chapter 30

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Harry's pov

so today is christmas eve. Yes and also Louis and Lucy's birthday. God they are 23 today where has the bloody time gone. where as I'm 20 turning 21 next year. I can't believe my beautiful girlfriend is 23 along with my best friend and her twin. I made breakfest which were her favourite PANCAKES. I love when she makes them though, hopefully tomorrow when we all wake up she might make them. 

I had just finished the pancakes and I heard footsteps come down the stairs, I turned and saw Louis in his pj pants and a white top

"morning mate Happy birthday" i say

"thanks Harry and good morning" he says 

"want pancakes" i say

"sure" he says and starts the kettle

5 minutes later we hear another set of feet come down the stairs and we turn round to see Lucy. My beautiful girlfriend smiled at me and kissed my lips

"good morning beautful Happy birthday" i say

"thanks baby" she says 

"oh so no happy birthday to your brother then" Louis says and she laughs and goes over to him and hugs him and kisses his cheek

"Happy birthday Boobear" she says

"happy birthday lucy-lou" he says and hugs her back

"so me and you are going to the club tonight for our birthday how does that sound" she says 

"sure I'm up for it" he says 

"cool and the boys and girls will be there also" she says 

"cool lets just watch movies until then when do we leave" he says 

"around 6pm" she says 

"cool" he says and we watch movies until 5

Lucy's pov

its just turned 5 and I went unpstairs to get ready. I had a shower and plugged in the curlers and then go into my outfit. it cosisted of a cream strapless dress, white pumps and a black clutch. It was perfect. I curled my hair and did my make-up natural and then put on my outift and went downstairs.

Harry and Louis stood there and were shocked

"what I can make an effort" i say and grab the keys 

"Lucy are you sure about this" Louis says 

"yeah come on I just won't drink" I says and we all get in

we arrived at the club and we go in and I order a diet coke, harry has a beer and so does Louis. they said they would have one drink and thats it. Which is good and Harry knows he did wrong last time. 

its reached 11pm and me and Louis and harry decided to go home and we weren't drunk at all. we arrived home and then I collapsed on my bed and Harry came in and snuggled with me. Ever since we started dating again and slept together he has been with me. Louis didn't care as long as we were safe. Best birthday ever though and christmas tomorrow.

lucy outfit on the side

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