chapter 19

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Lucy's pov

so its mine and Harry's six month anniversary today. fucking hell where has the time gone. I swear it was only yesterday we were having our one month anniversary dinner. Anyway this time I got harry tickets to see Man united (don't know if he supports Manchester united), Louis told me that was Harry's favourite team and it was mine and Louis' as well. When Louis told me that he supports them as well he smiled as to say 'buy me a ticket as well I will love you forever' I laughed at him and went 'don't think about it' and he pouted. 

I woke up early and made my famous pancakes that would always catch Louis from a mile away even a hundred. I started to flip them and Louis literally ran downstairs

"morning sis oh your famous pancakes" he says 

"yes Louis is that why you came down like a heard of elephants were in the house" i say

"was I really that Loud" he says 

"yes Louis now if I give you some will you shut up" i say and he nods and I dish five on a plate and he squirts syrup all over them. Typical Louis. 

Harry came down and I smiled and kissed him

"happy 6 months" i say

"happy six months babe" he says and sits down and I give him pancakes and a kiss on the cheek

"aww babe" he says and eats them and falls in Love

"they are good right" Louis says and he nods

"she makes the best pancakes ever, she used to make them when she was a kid she says its a famous recipe" Louis says 


we continued the day and Harry said we were going to a party later on and that ed Sheeran organized for our six months. I knew ed and he was awesome. A really funny guy. I am just wondering what this party will be like and Louis knows I hate parties that are really crowded and stuff because I have claustrophobia but we will see 

the escaper - harry styles love storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon