Chapter 7

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~Maya POV~

I could tell how crushed Sophia was when she saw Martinus and Lindsay sitting next to each other smiling and laughing. So I tried to get her mind off him.
Maya- Do you want to hang out after school?

Sophia- Yea, sure.

The teacher walked into the classroom and for once I was actually happy to see one of them. 

Teacher-  Everyone hand in your plays now.

Sophia and I walked up to the teacher to hand in our plays when we turned around to go back to our seats we saw Marcus and Martinus staring at us. We both just eye-rolled and sat back down.

Beep Beep

Marcus- I said I was sorry

Maya- No your not, you just care about your reputation more.

Maya- Also tell Martinus that I'm going to murder him

I saw Marcus look up at me then back down at his phone.

Beep Beep

Marcus- What do you mean 'your going to murder Martinus'

Maya- He hurt my best friend

Marcus- But he really likes her.

Maya- Prove it because he lost her when it looks so happy talking to Linsday

Marcus- But he rather be with Sophia

Maya- It doesn't seem like it to me 

I quickly shut my phone off so I wouldn't get any more text and turned my attention back to the teacher. When I occasionally looked over at the 4 people I hate I saw Marcus looking at me and Martinus looking at Sophia every time I looked over at them.

When the bell rang Sophia and I collected all our stuff and went to our lockers. I looked at my phone and saw 10 messages from Marcus.

Marcus- But we both care about both of you

Marcus- Please answer

Marcus- Maya

Marcus- We didn't mean to

Marcus- I will do what you to want me to do, please don't ignore me

Marcus- Maya

Marcus-  Maya

Marcus- Maya

Marcus- Please don't do this to us

Marcus- I will do whatever it takes to get you back.

I looked into my locker with tears threating to come out of my eyes. I decided to text Marcus back

Maya- Goodbye Marcus

I shut off my phone and shoved it in my bag. I got my books for my next class and Marcus and Martinus are both in the class as well but without the girls. At least I will have Sophia with me, I walked into the classroom and sat down at the back next Sophia walked in and she sat next to me. When the bell rang Marcus and Martinus both walked into the classroom, they scanned the classroom and their eyes landed on us. 

They walked over to us and next down on the desk in front of us. They turned around and looked at us.

Martinus- We are so sorry

Marcus- Please forgive us

Sophia and I looked at each other like we're thinking the same thing. We both got up, collected our belongings and moved to another free seat in the classroom. Just as they were going to move the teacher walked inside the classroom and told us

Teacher- Ok everyone sit down in your seats.

As she started her lesson I couldn't concentrate a question that I kept asking myself was 'why they hang out with Ashley but rather be with us?'. I kept thinking until I felt my phone vibrate from my bag. I got out my phone and saw a text from Marcus and when I looked over at Sophia she had her phone out as well. She looked up at me and I instantly knew who texted her. Martinus.  I checked what he wrote and it said

Marcus- Please Maya, forgive me I really like you

Maya- You already have a girlfriend so leave it alone.

Marcus- That you set me up with, I don't even like her anymore. I will break up with her if that is what it takes.

Maya- Don't break up with her otherwise she would kill me. S0 just please forget about me.

Marcus- If that is what you want them I will do what you ask

Marcus- Goodbye Maya

As soon as texed me back tears are threatening to come out of my eyes. The first guy I really like and he likes me back and I pushed him away. I put my hand up and asked

Maya- May I please go to the toilet?

Teacher- Yes, you may.

I quickly got out of the classroom and went to the bathroom. I.Hate.My.Life

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