Chapter 24

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A/N: Sorry it has been so long for me to write chapter 24  I just needed a break.

~Maya POV~

It has been a week since Marcus got that text from the unknown person and nothing has happened to either of us. It has been great between Marcus and I but when I went home Ashley hated me but she only gave me the death stare, which is weird I thought something way worse would happen. But I always had a feeling something bad will happen but I just don't know when or how.  One day I was walking home after school by myself since Marcus and Martinus had to do something for there singing career and Sophia had to go the dentist straight after school. 

I was walking home from school and when I got halfway home I felt a hand go over my mouth and liquid injected into my arm. After that, my eyes felt heavier and I struggled to stay awake but my eyes started to feel heavier and heavier until I couldn't keep them open any more until I fell in complete darkness.

~Marcus POV~

I didn't like the idea of Maya walking home alone but I didn't have a choice, so I told her to text me when she gets home. After Martinus and  I finished recording I checked my phone and there was no text from her so I texted her in case she forgot so I got out my phone and texted Maya

Marcus: Hey Maya, you forgot to text me when you got home so I am coming over in 5 minutes.

I went to my room to change clothes and went over to her house and when I knocked on the door Ashley answered the door with a smile and her face.

Ashley- Hello Marcus, what are you doing here?

Marcus- Hi, I'm looking for Maya.

Ashley- Come in Marcus, I think she is in my room. Follow me.

I stepped into the house consciously not knowing what to do. I followed Ashley up to her bedroom and when I walked inside Maya wasn't in there and when I turned around Ashley closed the door and locked it. I can't believe I fell for that I'm such an idiot.

Marcus- Can I get out, please?

Ashley- No, not until your mine.

Marcus- Where is Maya?

Ashley- I have friends taking care of her and remember  I have the power to put her in excruciating.

Oh crap. What did I get us into?

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