Chapter 47- The finale

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~Marcus POV~

When I heard a gun shoot I looked over at Maya and could see her falling down and it felt like it was in slow motion. I could see her starting to close her eyes so I said

Marcus- Please don't close your eyes, Maya. Please, I can't live without you. 

I saw her put a weak smile on before her eyes closed. I put pressure on her wound and waited for the ambulance to come, so they can help her.

 I quickly got up and caught her before she got to the ground, I could hear sirens in the background and hear them coming closer and closer. They finally got her and I heard footsteps racing up the stairs and into the room we were in. The police handcuffed Ashley and Zoe and the ambulance people took away Maya on a stretcher. I tried to follow her out but the police wanted to talk to me about what happened for there report. I told them everything that happens and asked if they could drop me off at the hospital so I could see Maya.

Once we got there I basically jumped out of the car while it was still moving and yelled thank you while I was running into the hospital. I went up to the receptionist and asked

Marcus- Excuse me but what room is Maya Baker staying in?

Receptionist- Are you her family?

Marcus- No I'm her boyfriend.

Receptionist- Sorry only family allowed.

Marcus- But she has no family

Receptionist- Fine, room 732

I started running again and when I was halfway down the hall I yelled thank you to the receptionist. I decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator cause I couldn't be bothered to wait. I ran all the way up the stairs and by the time I got to level 7 I was really out of breath but that didn't stop me from finding her room number.

I ran around corridors trying to find the right room number until I found it. I burst into the room and I saw all the doctors looking at me. I looked straight at Maya as I mumbled sorry. I walked closer to her looking at her facial expression.

Marcus- When will she wake up?

Doctor- We are not sure yet since she is in a medically induced coma.

Marcus- Okay

~Time jump~

After the doctor said that days became weeks, weeks became months and is almost becoming years. I have spent days in the hospital I do my homework, I've written songs like Without You, Make You Believe In Love and Never, I talk to her and when I have to leave her hurts me the most.

I was in class thinking about when Maya would wake up when I got called to the principles office I got up out of my chair, collected all of my books and walked to the principles office.

Principal- Marcus, you are excused from the rest of the school day.

Marcus- Why, sir?

Principal- Because Maya is awake.

As soon as he said that I quickly got up out of the chair and bolted out of the office but not before saying thank you first. 

Once I got to the hospital I went up to her room and burst through the doors. Once I saw her the biggest smile I could ever have on my face happen and I saw the same thing happen to her. I gave her the biggest hug I could possibly give her and whispered in her ear

Marcus- I've missed you so much.

Maya- I could tell you've been here every day and I really like your songs

She said to me while smiling. I couldn't help but kiss her, it felt forever but it wasn't our foreheads rested and each other and I said

Marcus- I love you so much Maya

Maya- Forever and always


A/N: I really hoped you like the final chapter of this book and hoped you like the book in general. I am so thankful for everyone who has read the book cause I wouldn't of gotten 8k without you. I loved reading all the comments and I loved seeing when people voted on it. This book has done a lot for me even I made a friend which I'm glad of. I also give a special thanks to  @lazydevries cause this book would never have been published without her. So thank you everybody❤

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