Chapter 13

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~Marcus POV~ 

Maya and I sat down on a park bench and just talked about everything like what we like doing, where we want to travel and all that. But when she asked me a question our light playful conversation turned into a serious conversation.

Maya- What is it like being a pop star?

 My face immediately changed from a  smile into a frown, I really didn't want this question to come up.  

Maya- You don't have to tell me.

When she said that I knew she regretted the question because how my facial expressions changed. So I decided to tell her since she told me hers.

Marcus- No I will tell you, you told me yours I will tell you mine.

She grabbed my hands to comfort me and it worked. I  took a deep breath and then started my about the thing I hate about being famous

Marcus- There are a lot of people who will be your friend just to take some of your fame, But I know that is different from you cause I know you would never do that, so anyway. After we became famous we had two friends Jacob and Zoe who were twins like Martinus and me. I had a huge crush on Zoe but after a while, we realized they were using us for our fame. After they used us for our fame Martinus and I were really hurt but was hurt the most since I had a massive crush on Zoe.

She pulled me into a hug and she smelt like strawberries. We released from the hug and just stared into each other's eyes, then Maya decided to say

Maya- I really like you

When Maya said that a smile immediately spread across my face. My heart felt like it just exploded this was the best thing that I have ever heard.

Marcus- Guess what?

Maya- What?

Marcus- I really like you too.

A huge smile was spread across both of our faces. I think this going to change my life forever admitting our feelings to each other. I was so happy I couldn't think of anything else but Maya and I.

Maya- What about Ashley?

When Maya said that it brought me back to reality, I totally forgot about Ashley. I pushed Ashley aside as I thought of a plan that could backfire but I am willing to take my chance. Anything to be with Maya. 

Marcus- She is my fake girlfriend since I don't like her but I want to ask a certain someone if they would like to be my real girlfriend?

Maya- Are we going to go behind her back?

Marcus- Is that a yes I'm hearing?

When she nodded her head another smile spread across my face. This was the best day of my life.

Maya- Yes

She wrapped her arms around my neck giving me another hug. We sat on the park bench for a little while I was so happy at the moment. I have my first real girlfriend This is amazing and I don't want anything bad to happen to us, but I know in the future something bad will happen but I just want to focus on the present. We talked a bit more and then we decided to go home when we got a few streets away from her house so Ashley wouldn't see us we said our goodbyes and gave each other a hug. I watched her walk off then I decided I should go home too.

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