Chapter 27

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~Martinus POV~

I stood up from where I was sitting and said to Sophia

Martinus- I think I know what happened to them...

Sophia- What!?

Martinus- I think someone took them cause Marcus was getting threats.

I opened Marcus's phone again and showed Sophia all the text that Marcus has gotten. We both looked at each other and we walked straight out the door towards Maya's house to see if Ashley was home. We walked up to the front door and I knocked on it. We waited for a couple of minutes until Ashley answered the door.

Ashley- Hello Martinus...and Sophia.

Martinus- Where are Marcus and Maya?

Ashley- I have no idea what you are talking about?

Sophia- Cut the crap Ashley, we know you know where they are.

Ashley- I have no idea what you are talking about.

Martinus- Okay, let's go, Sophia.

I pulled Sophia away from the door knowing she could beat Ashley up any second. As soon as Ashley closed the door I ran over to the bush right outside there house and I pulled Sophia with me, making her fall on top of me. I looked up and saw the most beautiful girl in the world on top of me and I am the luckiest man in the world cause she is, my girlfriend. Then to snap me out of my thoughts I felt a hand go across my face to take me out of my thoughts and leaving behind a tingling pain in my cheek.

Sophia- Martinus!

Martinus- Yes.

Sophia- Ashley is on the move.

We got out of our positions (even though I didn't want to) and started to follow Ashley. She walked into the forest, she walked for 10 minutes through the forest and until she stopped in front of an abandoned house. 

She got to the front door of the house and looked over her shoulder to see if anyone was following her. She opened the door then walked inside a couple of seconds later we followed in after her, following the sounds of her walking from the wooden, creaky floorboards. 

She got to another door that went down to the basement, we followed her down to the basement. when we got down to I a chill went down my spine and when I looked over at Sophia the same thing happened to her. I knew this wasn't going to end well being down here. She walked over to another door and walked through leaving a tiny bit open so Sophia and I went over to look in when we got pushed in and something injected into my arm which made me fall asleep.

When I woke up my arms and legs were restricted and then I remembered Sophia and I called out

Martinus- SOPHIA!

Sophia- Oi, not so loud.

Martinus- Sorry.

Marcus- What about us? Aren't you worried about us?

Martinus- Marcus! Maya! I'm so glad you guys are okay.

Sophia- Who is behind this?

Maya- Its-

Ryder- -No need for the introduction we can introduce ourselves. Well, I'm Ryder as you all know and over here is Ashley.

We all heard police sirens in the distance and then Ryder pulled out a gun. He kept pointing the gun at Sophia then me and then Marcus like he was picking in his head until he stopped on Marcus. He pulled the trigger aiming it for Marcus's heart.

Martinus & Maya- MARCUS!

  It was like a part of me being ripped from me

~Maya POV~

We all heard police sirens in the distance and then Ryder pulled out a gun. He kept pointing the gun at Sophia then Martinus and then Marcus like he was picking in his head until he stopped on Marcus. He pulled the trigger aiming it for Marcus's heart.

Martinus & Maya- MARCUS!

Tears were streaming down my face like the love of my life is being taken away from me.

Ryder and Ashley ran off leaving us with Marcus bleeding out. I hope he will be okay.

A/N: What should I do now. Should a create a sequel or continue in this book or just stop here. Let me know in the comments.

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