Chapter 30

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~Martinus POV~

It has been 2 weeks since the kidnapping and Marcus got shot. Two weeks of torture waiting for Marcus to wake up. Maya and I have been a mess we have been going to school every day but we go to the hospital before school and then straight after we come back and do our homework there. I feel bad for Sophia because I keep pushing her away, I know she keeps trying to help but I kept pushing her further and further away. But she hasn't given up... yet. Another week passed and another and then another. Now I'm barely coping I just want my brother and best friend back.

I was home alone because Mum and Dad went to the hospital with Maya to visit Marcus. I walked out of my room and I was on my way to the bathroom when I saw Marcus's door open. I haven't been in his room since the kidnapping, so I decided to go in. I walked over to his bed and sat down on it and looked over at his photos on his bedside table. One of them was him and Maya walking around the park holding hands with the sunset in the background I remember me taking this photo when they weren't looking and giving it to him as a surprise. The other photo was of me and him when we were singing To Draper Vann when we won MGP jr it was the start of our career. While I was looking at the photo a tear fell from my eye. I miss my brother so much I really hope he wakes up soon.

I was deep in thought until the doorbell snapped me out of it. I went downstairs to see who it was and when I opened the front door and it was Sophia so I let her in. She walked into that house and went into the living room. I could tell she wanted to talk about something important so I walked behind her and sat down next to her. She started to speak

Sophia- Martinus--

Then My phone rang

Martinus- I'm sorry I gotta take this.

I got up and went into the kitchen. She sounded she wanted me at the hospital quickly, so I started to put my shoes on when Sophia came up to me and asked

Sophia- Where are you going?

Martinus- Hospital. Mum said I have to be there quickly

Sophia- Okay, I'll come with you.

We both ran out the door and to the hospital, then we busted into Marcus's room. When we got there I saw he was awake and a huge smile spread across both of our faces.

Doctor- I'm going to do a small test to see if Marcus has amnesia.

The doctor was pointing to everyone and Marcus got them right but when he got to Maya Marcus said

Marcus- I'm sorry but who are you?

I saw Mayas face drop and tears started coming down her face and she ran out of the room.

~Maya POV~

I left Marcus's room to go grab something to eat since I was hungry and when I git back to his room I saw that Marcus was awake and a huge smile spread across my face. he was hugging his parents and when they let go the doctor did some tests. While I was standing there Martinus and Sophia burst into the room and A huge smile spread across both of the boy's faces.

Doctor- I'm going to do a small test to see if Marcus has amnesia.

The doctor was pointing to everyone and Marcus got them right but when he got to me, Marcus responded with

Marcus- I'm sorry but who are you?

My face dropped and tears started streaming down my face and I couldn't stand to be in that room so I just ran out. How could he not remember me? His girlfriend? I guess that's one way for someone to break up.

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