Chapter 44

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~Maya POV~

I love Marcus, but he is such an idiot, why would he put himself in danger like that. It's sweet that he cares but he just put his life in danger for me. I got up from my hiding place to get a better view of Marcus when I saw Ryder pick him up and throw him over his shoulder. Wait, why is Ryder back? Doesn't matter my main priority is to get Marcus back. 

I watched as Ryder put Marcus in the back of his car. Wait since when can he drive a car? He isn't old enough? That's illegal him driving the car but doesn't matter I'm getting distracted again but to be fair what he's doing know is illegal so he would go to jail either way. I watched as Ryder got in the car while Ashley was waiting for him in the passenger seat. When they drove off I got my bike and rode behind them close enough to see where they are going but far enough so I'm not seen. They stopped at an abandoned house, Ryder and Ashley both got out of the car then Ryder through Marcus over his shoulder. I watched them walk in and then I crept up and walked in myself. I walked to the sounds of two voices which were Ashely and Ryder. I walked upstairs, following the voices. 

I peaked through the already open door and I saw Marcus sitting in the room with his hands tied to the chair as well as his feet. 

Ashley- I can't believe you were going to drug me Maci? I thought you loved me? 

Marcus- Actually I don't love you, I love Maya. 

When I heard Marcus say I love Maya, I felt my heart scream with joy. I wish I got to hear it in a different scenario but what can I do about that. I watched as Ashley walked closer to Marcus and put her face so it was only inches apart. I really hope she doesn't kiss him, but to get to Ashley I would have to get rid of Ryder first. So I crept back downstairs and found a pan and dropped it on the ground. From upstairs I could hear Ashley telling Ryder to see what it was. 

When I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs I hid with the frying pan still my hand. I watched at Ryder walked into the kitchen and I quickly hit him over the head with a frying pan. I really hope I don't kill him. I walked up the stairs really quietly so Ashley wouldn't hear me. I got to the door and I heard Marcus say

Marcus- I'm sorry Ashley, I love you not Maya. 

When he said that I instantly ran out of the house with tears running down my face, I can't believe he and once I was out of the house, I heard a gunshot and with that I couldn't run anymore so I just fell on the ground, finding it hard it keep my eyes open. Just before I closed them I saw a pair of feet standing in front of me and they said

Unknown- Got her boss.

Then I fell into complete darkness.

A/N: Sorry for the really crappy chapter. But I really do hope you like it. 

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