Chapter 33

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~Maya POV~

I sat her down on the couch and then I asked Sophia

Maya- What happened?

Sophia- I t-t-told Martinus about m-me moving and he sounded angry with me and he walked away.

I gave her another hug and I put on a movie for us to watch. She fell asleep on the couch and I told her parents that she is spending the night at my house. While she was asleep I walked over to Martinus's house and knocked on the door but Marcus answered.

Maya- Can I speak to Martinus.

Marcus- He doesn't want to speak to anyone

I pushed through not caring about what Marcus said but a warm hand touched my upper arm and I missed his touch so much when I turned my head to look at him I could tell he felt something he just didn't know what it was. He removed his hand slowly and his chocolate brown eyes met mine. I felt I was standing here for ages until Martinus came downstairs stairs to see what was taking Marcus so long snapping us both out of our thoughts.

Martinus- Maya what are you doing here.

Maya- I came to speak to you.

I walked upstairs and into Martinus's bedroom.

Martinus- What do you want to speak about?

Maya- What did you say to Sophia?

Martinus- I was angry at her for not telling me, so I didn't say anything and I just walked away.

Maya- How much did she say to you?

Martinus- Just her parents are making her move to Cuba.

Maya- You idiot, the rest of what she was going to say but her parents might let her stay with me.

Martinus- Are you serious!? I feel like such a douche right now. I made her cry.

Maya- Come to my house and talk to her. She is sleeping on the couch so come on.

We walked downstairs and out the front door until Marcus said

Marcus- Where are you guys going?

Maya- My house

Martinus- Do you want to come?

I shot Martinus a death glare and he gave a cheeky smile.

marcus- Yea sure.

We all walked to my house with Martinus in the middle of Marcus and me. we got to my front door and I turned around and said to Martinus.

Maya- Stay here and a few minutes ring the doorbell.

Martinus- Okay

I walked through the front door and into the lounge room where Sophia was still sleeping. I walked over and woke her up. As soon as I woke her up the doorbell rang, didn't I tell Martinus to wait a few minutes.

Maya- Can you go get that.

Sophia- Okay.

She got up and answered the door and she walked back into the lounge room with Marcus and Martinus following behind her.

Martinus- I'm sorry, I didn't listen to everything you have to say. I feel like such a douche for leaving you there. I was just so scared of losing you and I didn't know what to do so I just left. I am super duper sorry, will you ever forgive me?

I looked over at Sophia and she looked over at me then she looked back at Martinus and it looked like she jumped into his arms.

They are so cute together.

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