Chapter 26

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~Martinus POV~

It has been hours since Marcus has left the house. I've tried calling him and texting him but he left his phone at the house so I couldn't reach him. So then I tried Maya but she didn't answer me, so then I decided to text Sophia asking 

Martinus: Have you heard from Maya or Marcus?

Sophia: No, I've tried both and heard nothing back.

Martinus: Can you come over to mine?

Sophia: Be there in 5

I put my phone down and put a shirt on. I grabbed Marcus's phone and walked downstairs and waited for Sophia. When I grabbed an apple the doorbell rang, so I walked to the door and saw Sophia so I gave her a hug and invited her in. We walked over to the couch and sat down. It was quiet until I spoke up and said

Martinus- When was the last time you heard from Maya and Marcus?

Sophia- When we all left school. Maya never texted me when she got home. When was the last time you heard from Marcus?

Martinus- He hasn't replied to any of my messages and the last I know he went to Maya's house to check on her.

We sat in silence again. Thinking what could have happened to them. I grabbed Marcus's phone and looked through the texts that he has gotten. To see if he had any plans or anything. But when I was going through I saw he was getting messages from an unknown person, so I decided to look at them

Unknown: You better stay away from Maya or there will be consequences you both you and her but mainly her.

Marcus: Who are you? Why are you doing this?

Unknown: You will find soon enough also I do follow through with my threats.

Unknown: You should have listened to me, I did tell you I follow through with my threats. But as I'm in a good mood if you leave the nurses office now and stay away from Maya nothing will happen but you know what will happen if you don't :)

Marcus: Who are you? Why are you doing this?

Unknown: You will find out soon.

Unknown: Marcus...Marcus...Marcus. Why did you do that? You know the consequences and if she ends up dead just remember it was all your fault.

Marcus: I will protect Maya at all costs.

Unknown: You could have protected her by not speaking to her but you just out her endanger.

I stood up from where I was sitting and said to Sophia

Martinus- I think I know what happened to them...

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