Waiting in the Rain

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          I bite at my cuticles as twiddle my pen in my hand. The class ends and I sigh in relief. Psychology, too much for me. I shove my notebook and pen away and finish my recording on my phone. Hopefully listening to the professor's lecture again will help me make better notes.
        Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I walk out of the class and down out of the hallway to the campus. Sliding on sunglasses and flipping up my hood, I walk to the sidewalk. Since I don't have a car, everyday one of the guys from the apartment comes and picks me up.
       Patton set up this rule and Logan thought it was logical enough to do so. I found it stupid since I have to go to work right after this anyways and it's only walking distance. I huff out some air and look at my phone then back to the road. Where the hell are they? I need to get to work.
        I anxiously wait another minute and make my way to work. I notice the white car pull up beside me and rolls its window down to the smug smile plastered on the Prince-like man-child. I grimace at him and continue to walk, "you're late."
        "Only a minute late, Sour Patch Kid," he remarks.
        I scoff, "I'd rather walk now,"
       "Oh come on, Patton will be upset and you don't want to see him upset, do you?"
        I sigh. In all honesty, I really don't want to see the guy upset. I walk around and hop in the passenger side. "This isn't for you, it's for Patton," I tell him and he chuckles.
        "You're too kind to Patton," He chips in and drives off.
        "Well, he's the only one of you guys that likes me,"
        "Rude, I like you,"
        It wasn't sincere though, "Sure.."
        "So, where are we headed anyway? Hot Topic? Dead, Goth and Beyond?"
        I roll my eyes, "Well, Princess, we're actually heading to Sally's Sippin Straws. A café a few blocks away."
       He scoffs, "Sounds very...pink. Not you."
      "Actually, it's not pink. It's more hipster chic."
      "So, Logan?"
      "No, Logan is a nerd who can be a dolt sometimes. Hipster is different. Yeah he does, Yanno, have a few of the qualities of a hipster, he isn't."
      "And you've only known him for a week," he remarks with a somewhat surprised face, "I'm astonished. You're so observant,"
     "Thanks, I'm like an owl. Always stalking my prey in the darkness."
     Stunned, he knits his brows then looks to me, uncomfortably. I smirk back, subtly. I turn and look out the window. It's fun to tease and bicker with Roman. We are polar opposites. Same goes for Patton and Logic. I find it impossible to live with when there are so many clashing personalities, but Patton likes to make the best of it.
       Logan and I get along well. He helps with finding efficient ways to study and to keep notes with doesn't rile up my anxiety and stress. He agrees with me on the logical reasonings I have with some things then opposes them, too. He's like an encyclopedia or the internet in an older context like AOL.
       Roman pulls up to the store and I blink as I snap back into reality. I sigh and hop out of the car, "Pick me up and 6, Captain Sparkle."
      Roman scoffs, "I'll be a little late just for your remarks, Marilyn Morose."
      "Thanks." I flip him off then head inside.

                       • • •

      He is late, just like he promised. I sit on a chair outside and rest my head on my hand. I yawn and cover my mouth. Tired life of a college student. I look around, looking for the car. It's 15 minutes past 6 and I need to get work on for studying.
      I look around then stand up. I stretch before slouching tiredly as I head off. No point in waiting if they aren't coming. I head back to the apartment as the fall rain starts to drizzle. I put my hood up then shove headphones in. Twenty One Pilots's cover of Cancer plays as push the buds into my ears.
          Two of my favorite bands in one. I feel the rain hit my face and roll down from my cheeks. This is ruining my foundation. Yeah, I will admit it. I wear foundation. I watch my feet stomp against the puddles. I hear some cars pass then one passes quickly so I turn to look. Bad idea.
          I get splashed with murky rain water that sat on the side of the road. I look at myself and frown. Just my luck. I sigh and continue on my way to the apartment.
          I sluggishly try to make my way to the apartment without chaffing or getting a rash. I will most definitely get a cold, though. I can't believe it. My life is just a line graph of terrible events. Nothing ever good.
        After a bit more walking, I throw the front door open. Everyone pauses to look at me. I am pissed, cold and wet. I sniff and glare at everyone. Patton drops what he's doing and runs over. Logan just mutters, "Well that isn't good for the immune system,"
         "Did Roman not pick you up? Let's get you undressed-" Patton panics but I wave my hands.
         "I'll explain after I take a shower," I jitter and slosh over to the bathroom.
        I don't have the patience for this shit to happen to me.

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