The Aftermath

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      I wake up in my bed. My head feels like a hammer is pounding against it. I sit up, stretching my back to ignore my head pounding. I get up and head straight to the bathroom. I pull some ibuprofen from the cabinet and swallow them dry. Setting the bottle aside, I head into the living room to see a mortified Frog Prince sitting in a bean bag chair. "Did you see a dog get hit by a car?" I gripe to him and head into the kitchen.
        "No! That's about as terrible as this though!" He complains and I cover my ears.
       "Ugh, quieter please?" I start up the coffee pot and grab the bread, "what's so terrible?"
      He goes quiet. Well that's not good. I look at him, "Roman?"
      He's looking directly at me in horror like it's my fault. I look away and push some bread into the toaster. "Fine. Don't tell me what made you into a Medusa victim," I grumble as I hear Patton walk out.
      "Good Meowrning, you two," Patton chimes and heads to Roman.
      I hear whispering and I shake it off as I put butter on my toast. Patton gasps loudly when I go to pour coffee into a mug, but Roman stops him from speaking. I raise an eyebrow at them as I grab my things and sit down on the couch. "Should I act like I didn't hear Patton gasp or..?" I ask them and they continue to watch me.
        "Oh, I would be delighted if you acted as if you didn't hear him gasp," Roman tells me with sweat starting to rise onto his forehead.
       "Uhuh, alright," I drink of my coffee and feel the others staring at me before looking back at Roman's phone.
       I set down my cup and wait until they seem fully distracted by whatever is on Roman's IPhone. Slowly and quietly, I walk over behind the phone and snatch it from Romano's hands. "Wha-Virgil! No!" He yells as I run down the hall, locking my door after I run into my room.
       "Finally, now I can see whatever they were looking at," I mumble to myself. I turn over the phone and see the picture. It's from last night, the sea of people partying behind...Roman and I. The sea of people isn't important because Roman and I are the main picture. He has a hand around my waist as I have my hands on my chest as we...kiss.
         My eyes widen and the phone drops from my hand. We kissed?! How could I forget that I kissed that Frog Prince?! Stupid keg stand giving me a hangover. I wipe my tongue in my t-shirt and groan in disgust.
       Fists pound on my door and I jump to my feet, stepping on his IPhone. I slip on it and fall onto my back. I groan in pain, squeezing my eyes shut, when I hear the door open. "Virgil-oh no," Patton rushes over to me in his cat onesie and Roman grabs his phone, stuffing it in his pocket.
        Patton sits me up as I see Prince Disgusting walk out of my room, "Hey, Roman. Let's forget about the party, okay?" I call to him and he stops down the hallway.
       He walks back down and peeks into my room, rolling his eyes, "What party?"
       I smile softly and I notice a smile creeping onto his face, too. "Well," He clears his throat, "don't step on my phone again, Jack Smellington."
      I sigh and roll my eyes as Patton pulls me up all the way. "I can get up by myself, Patton."
      "Just making sure you're okay, though," He confirms with a smile.
      I nod and see Logan walking down the hallway in pajamas while on his phone. Still 'studying', I guess. "Oh, I'm going to say good morning to Logan," Patton tells me then runs out of my room.
       I hear a high pitched scream then a thud. I rush over and peek out of my room to see Patton collapsed on top of Logan in the hallway. "I'm so sorry, Logan," Patton pleads, sitting up on Logan, "I guess I fell Patt-on you. Flat on you, Patt-on you..?"
        Logan groans and snatches up his phone, "your horrid puns are not making the situation any better, Patton."
        Roman snaps a picture of them and gloats about how he's going to post it on Instagram. I sigh and walk over to them. "I can't believe that you two managed to end up in this situation," I walk off to my toast and coffee and sit on the coffee table.
         Snacking on my breakfast, I watch the two glasses wearing guys finally get up from the ground. They chat in the hallway; Patton giddy and happy as always while Logan nods along to what he's saying. Patton gives Logan a hug before Logan goes to the kitchen to grab some coffee. I can see him shaking slightly. Odd.
        I grab my coffee cup and walk over to him. "You're shaking," I comment in a hushed tone.
       "It happens. It's the body's way of showing adrenaline," He whispers back and grabs some mik, pouring that into his coffee.
       "And why would that be? Are you nervous?"
      "No, no, just got frightened when Patton pinched my sides."
      "Okay, wanna tell me about what you were looking at before we got to the party last night?"
      He sighs and looks to me, "You want to know about the Romance article I was looking at?"
      "Absolutely. I mean, I could care less but it caught me off guard."
     He mutters under his breath something along the lines of 'yeah, me too' and looks back to me, "I'll tell you, but you're coming into my room and you can't tell anyone what I told you, okay?"
      I nod and he heads off to his room with his cup of coffee. I follow him and head inside his room. The room is beige with a blue accent wall. Almost everything has a label on it and is neatly organized. By how busy he is, I would've thought it'd be messier.
       He closes the door and walks over to his desk. He sits down in his chair and I sit on the floor in front of him, sipping my black coffee. "I know you aren't the best person to tell about this or talk about this too, but you found out before anyone else did, so congratulations," Logan starts as he fiddles with his cup, "Over the years, I noticed I lacked the feeling of...feelings. Now this isn't a bad thing for me, I have gotten used to it, but I do feel some occasionally. Love was one that I did not feel all the time,
         "I got to thinking that I am Aromantic and Asexual at quite a young age. My parents never bothered to ask if I liked anyone so I never got bothered by the 'do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other?' questions. And all this time thought and knew I'd never find someone I'd like. Patton, Roman and I have been friends since Junior year of high school and I don't care for the both of them at times,"
        Logan looks to the side then looks into his cup, sighing, "Now, I see Patton and I can feel my heart race faster in my chest and I just want him to be happy. It freaked me out. So I read up on this article after finding out that...I like Patton."
        I blink a bit, "So you might be Grayromantic."
       "It's a possibility, but Virgil, I don't know what to do."
       "I'm in the same boat as you, Logan. I'm not an expert on love and I am a person who focuses on negative outputs."
       He sighs and sips his coffee, "Maybe I should just follow what this article says. It will help me figure out how to tell Patton I like him."
      "You could. You might mess it up," I swirl my coffee in my coffee cup.
      "You aren't helping my confidence in this situation,"
      "I get that a lot."
       He sighs and gestures to the door, "you can leave then if you aren't going to help. At least I trusted you enough to tell you about my....feelings."
       I get up and pat his shoulder, "I'll just give you a 'Patton' the back and head out."
       He mumbles to himself then fixes his glasses, "That's very humorous now leave before I hear another one of those terrible jokes."
      I head out and wave, "Alright. I'll leave you a-'logan'."
      I close the door when he looks like he's going to attack me. Smirking to myself, I run straight into one of the other guys. Noticing the colors on his shirt aren't grey and white, I deduce that it's Roman. "Sorry, chap," He says and rubs his head.
       "It's okay," I grumble and stuff my hands into my pockets.
       "What were you doing in Logan's room?" He goes to rest a hand on my arm and I push it away.
       "What type of things?"
       "Conversation things,"
       He sighs and leans on his hip, "You've got a tough shell to crack, don't'cha, Eggdar Allen Poe?"
       I scoff at the nickname, "About as hard as a brick wall, Humpty Dumpty."
       He looks at me in surprise and then fixes his composer. "I'll talk to you later, Emo Nightmare," He says and walks off to his room.
      I sigh and head into my room. I down the last of my coffee and decide, with the lack of energy I already have, to get ready for the day.

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