Late Night Fireworks

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I wake up to the warmth beside me gone. I look around for him, but he isn't in the room. Sighing, I fall back down in my bed and curl up in my blankets. I grab my phone and check the time. Maybe that's why. It's 11:46 in the morning and it's also New Year's Eve.
The door bursts open and I groan, rolling over in my bed. "What do you wa-oh," I see Roman holding a tray of food, "you didn't make this.."
Roman drops his smile and I stutter, "I-I mean, that's so nice."
He smiles again, "Yes, I didn't make it. I would burn it."
I chuckle and sit up, allowing him to place it on my lap. Waffles with syrup, whipped cream and strawberries that has hot cocoa as a drink. He even put my supplements and medicine on the tray. I smile up to him, "This is great, Roman. Thank you."
I take a bite and hum in delight, "who made it?"
"My brother, of course! He's fantastic at cooking! If only he didn't choose community college."
"Just taking college to take it?"
"Mhm, So he can get small jobs."
I nod and sip my juice. Roman watches me and tucks some bangs out of my face, "you'd better hurry. I've got a long day planned."
"Oh no," I mutter and he chuckles.
"It's not too bad, I promise."
"How can I trust that?" I raise my eyebrow at him and he smiles softly.
"I made sure that what we are doing won't wear you out too much and there wont be tons of people around."
Sounds not bad. "Alrighty then," I say after gulping down my orange juice, "I trust you."
He smiles, "Good because we are going on a hike together."

After getting dressed and readied up, we arrive at the hike location after a few hours of driving. Roman pulls out two backpacks from the back of his car and hands me one. I take it then pull it on and smile softly to him. I'm not used to working out or hiking, so I'll be out of breath quickly.
He leads me in and it's not the prettiest time of the year to take a hike. I have to wear gloves so my fingers don't turn into icicles. It's, also, pretty dead. Some of the trees are bare and the bears are hibernating. Great, I won't die.
"What time is it, my Prince?" He asks, looking around.
"It's about 6, I think," I say as I hold his hand while we walk.
We took sometime getting here to have lunch and pack things for this big hike Roman wanted to do. I found it silly, but Roman is very extra so I guess I have to put up with it.

          Taking pictures and walking the dirt path, we finally get to the designated spot at 8. I hear my stomach growl as we finally sit down. He chuckles, "sorry that dinner is so late, hungry bear."
        "It's okay," I shrug and set the bag down, feeling my shoulders grow sore.
        Roman told me I'm not allowed to look up when we get to the area he wanted to get to. Either the view is terrible or great. I trust him though as he flashes a light and pulls out some food and a blanket. I sit down on one edge after placing the backpack on the other corner. I watch as he gets everything ready and perfect. He looks over to me with a smile, "what are you smiling at, Evil Prince?"
       I blink. I was smiling. "Guess I was enjoying the view."
       I see him blush and I look forward to the cliff, "like the cliff edge."
      He drops his smile and I smirk. "Meany."
     "You love me."
     "I do," he leans over and pecks my lips, "don't I?"
     "Mhm," I give him a kiss, "yes you do."
     He smiles and pulls away as he sits back down. Throwing out his arms wide, he says, "Dinner is served!"

     After dinner and talking, it's 10 pm. 2 hours til the New Year. Roman pulled out more blankets and lays them out for us to cuddle in. "Okay, you know how I told you not to look up?" Roman says as he holds me close under the feather blankets.
       "Yeah, it's like I can only look at you." I mumble and he chuckles.
       "Well I am a view, but you may look up now."
       I smile and turn to look up at sky. Oh wow. It's...beautiful. The stars shining as the sky shows how it's obsidian blue not actually black. There are no city lights out here so the stars are at their brightest. I notice I'm holding my breath, so I let it out. "It's gorgeous, Roman."
      "It is," he mumbles as I watch the sky.
      "I bet Logan comes here a lot."
      "He does. He brought us here one time for the whole day. It was torture, was worth it. I was with my two best friends, now I'm sharing it with you since it reminded me of you."
       "Alone and quiet?" I look back to Roman's chocolatey eyes.
       "No, beautiful and different."
      I chuckle and gently shove his shoulder, "stop it, Shakespeare."
      "I'll stop once you stop being Edgar Allen Poe."
      "What an odd couple."
      He chuckles before we look back up at the dark abyss above. The stars could just be our fireworks for the night because we don't need them. The sky is lit up in beautiful patterns already. Sure they aren't as colorful as real fireworks, but it's more serene.
      Roman shuffled out of the blankets and rummages through a bag. I turn and look at him, eyelids starting to fall heavy. He pulls out a long box along with a square one. "I brought sparklers and," he holds out the square box to me, "here's something for you."
       I sit up and take the box, I pull it open to a Polaroid camera. A purple new version of the old Polaroid cameras. "No way," I turn it over and examine it.
      "Do you love it?" Roman says with a hint of doubt in his voice.
      "Love it?" I look over to him and nod, "I love it like I love you. Thanks."
      He smiles and grabs my lighter,but I stop him from going further. "Roman. How about a quick picture?"
      He blinks then nods, "of course, my prince."
      He drops the things on the blanket and sits behind me, allowing me to sit in his lap. I hold the camera out, after fixing the settings, and snap a smiling picture of us. "Kiss?" I suggest and he leans in, kissing me.
      I snap another picture before  pulling away and grabbing the two pictures. I shove them in my pocket so they don't get ruined by the up and coming fireworks. Roman grabs his phone and turns on a song. It sounds like fairy tale song. He turns to me and holds out my hand.
Take my hand,
I'll teach you to dance,
I'll spin you around,
Won't let you fall down.
      I take his hand and pull myself up into him. He pulls my hands into place and we start to sway.
Won't you let me lead?
You can step on my feet,
Give it a try,
It'll be alright.
       I glance to my feet, but decide that's a bad idea and just look back into his gaze.
The rooms hush hush and now our moment,
Take it in,
Fill it all and hold it,
Eyes on you,
Eyes on me,
We're doing this right.
       I chuckle lightly as he smiles at me. I hide my face in his chest. This is the cheesiest thing ever. I can't believe it. He rests a hand on my back as I rest against him. I wrap my arms around his neck,loosely, as we sway along to the sweet sounds of this loving song.
      I pull my head away from his chest and he wraps his arms around my waist. "This is so sickeningly sweet. I might get sick from the sweetness." I mumble and he chuckles softly.
      "Good, that's the point." He moves a few strands of my hair out of my face.
      I smile lightly as fireworks burst distantly in the background. He leans in and kisses me, pulling me into his embrace. I kiss back softly before he pulls away and smiles.
       "Happy New Years, Virgil"
       "Happy New Years, Roman."

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