The Valentine's Day Dance

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I sit on the other side of my door and sigh as I hear Roman call to me, "Sunshine, come on. You won't look bad and I'll stay by your side the whole time."
I'm shaking in my polished shoes. All of my anxiousness has built up. I knock three times on my door which makes Patton walk in and kneel beside me. He sits beside me and hugs my head, stroking my hair. He mumbled reassuring comments to me like "it's all fine, you have us.", "nothing bad is going to happen.", or "take a deep breath, Roman will be by your side the whole time."
I start to calm down by his touches and take a deep breath. I let it out and look to him when he pulls away. "Thanks, Patton." I smile vaguely, "how can I ever repay you?"
"There's no need to. Happy to help." He smiles and helps me up. "Ready? I bet Roman is pacing so much right now."
I chuckle faintly and nod, "Ready."
He peeks out of the room before opening the door wider for me to walk out. I take a deep breath before walking out of my room. I walk down the hallway and smile awkwardly as Roman turns from his pacing and sees me, looking up from the floor. A warm smile slowly forms onto his face. "You' look stunning." He says with a hushed tone of voice.
I had added some chains to the belt loops and kept the blazer open, but I apparently looked stunning when Roman
I had never seen him in a tux. He was wearing the same color scheme as me but wore a white and burgundy bow tie along with white slacks. He had it buttoned up and it was fitting his form so well. So that's why it's burgundy. A mix of red and purple, our favorite colors.
I clear my throat and nod, "I mean, you look gorgeous as well."
He chuckles and walks over to hug me. I hug back tightly before he pulls away, holding my hips. He gives me a quick kiss before grabbing the corsages. A white rose and a black rose. "you do not know how long it took to find a black rose," Roman says, handing them both to me.
"Why both of them?" I ask he chuckles.
"The white one is for you and," he takes the black rose, "the black one is for me."
I smile and nod as he takes the box of the white rose to take it out. He pins it to my blazer and smiles lovingly to me. I take the black one and do the same. "Are we ready to head out?" Logan asks, holding Roman's keys in his hand like he's a butler.
Logan and Patton had matching blue suits. Patton's was a baby blue while Logan's was navy blue. They had each other's colors for corsages as well. It was adorable.
Roman looked to me and I gave him a wary nod. He wrapped an arm around me and smiled to the glasses wearing duo, "We're ready. Let's head to the dance!"

After a bit of a drive, we arrive on campus and enter the gymnasium that was now covered in red tones and hearts. I looked to Logan who was grimacing at it all. He wasn't too happy with going as it is, but all he had to do was be by Patton and he was happier.
Patton grabbed his hands and pulled him off into the crowd with a smile. Logan stumbled after him and I looked to Roman, "don't do that to me."
He chuckled and rubbed my back, "I'll try not to."
All the songs were slow dance songs or slow love songs. It wasn't like a pop concert where everyone was up against each other and jump dancing. It was peaceful. Roman let go of me and held a hand out to me. "Would you care for a dance?" He asks with a smile on his face.
I chuckle lightly and take his hand, "Shut up and dance with me."
He chuckles more and pulls me close to sway with me.

After a while, the music changed and it had turned into the normal dance music for the past 10 minutes so Roman pulled me to the punch table. The DJ probably did that to make sure they weren't dead or asleep. I sipped some juice and watched the other couples dance around.
Roman left me at the table to talk with some of his friends across the floor. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot something bright in a sea of crimson and pink. I look over to where I saw it and it was gone. Probably just the light.
I hug myself after setting my drink down and the music changes back to whimsically soft love songs. The song that's playing sounds fairy like but familiar. Where have I heard it before... I don't have time to think about when a guy pulls me onto the dance floor.
I freak out as he pulls me close and onto the the dance floor. "Uh, sorry. I have a dance partner," I mutter and he doesn't let me go.
"Just one dance? You looked pretty alone anyways." He said with a honeyed tone.
"He's just talking with friends and I..don't feel comfortable," my anxiety was started rising and the guy chuckled.
"You're in good hands now, Virgil." He said which made me pause.
"I've never told you my name."
"I must know you from somewhere then." I look up to him and recognize his face.
It's Bryce. The one who pulled me underwater. I go to walk away but he just holds me close. "I thought Roman beat you so bad you'd have scars." I mutter.
"Don't be silly, we hit him first," Bryce snickers lightly, making me sneer.
"What do you want from me? Obviously you wouldn't be here just to dance with me."
"Well let's just say we're having some fun. Do you remember this song?"
I don't say anything in response to him as I listen to the lyrics.

'Cause lovers dance when they're feelin' in love,
Moonlight shining,
it's all about us,
It's all-all-all about uh-uh-us,

I blink and stand up straighter. It's our song. It's mine and Roman's song. My eyes start to fill with tears. "You asshole," I spit out at him, my voice starting to shake.
He snickers at him, "Oh don't cry, just enjoy it, sweetheart."
"Don't call me sweetheart, jackass. Let me go so I can beat your face until the white skin shows."
He scoffs, "you could do that? A punny thing like you? Ha, funny."
The song ends and he lets me go. I knee him in the gut before I run over and look for Roman. Something yellow slips off of Roman's shoulder and seeps back into the crowd as I rush over to him. "Roman, Im so sorry. He p-" I start to plead as he shakes his head.
"No, shut up, Virgil," he snaps at me and I jump in my shoes a bit, "You danced with him on our song! Our song!"
"I know! I was about to say-" I'm about to add in.
He snaps again, "Virgil! I'm talking. You could have told him off! He would have left you alone. You left me alone to dance with another man on our song on Valentine's Day! Dick move, Virgil."
He starts to leave and I call to him with strain in my voice from trying to hold myself together, "Roman! Let's talk about this!"
He storms out, the black rose falling from his blazer. I pick it up as tears fall from my face. I sink down the wall and hug my knees, sobbing hard into my slacks.

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