Some Sunny Day

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         Being packed into Roman's car, we are wearing our swimming trousers and sunscreen. Yet, a few hours earlier, I was having a good day.

      Working on my presentation for Psychology, I sit at my desk as I listen to some Fall Out Boy. I hear a bell ring faintly and pull off my headphones, looking to my door. Someone moves away from my door quickly before I can catch the culprit.
      Sighing, I get up from my chair and walk out to the living room. Logan is sitting in the chair near the bookcase, pinching his eyes. Patton walks out and heads over to Logan, sitting across his lap. Roman runs out to the living room and stands in front of the tv. "Okay my fellow gentlemen, and Demon,"  he starts and I put a hand on my chest.
       "Awh, thanks,"
       "It is 80 degrees out, the last hot day of the fall, so we are going to the beach!"

      After a lot of arguing for an hour or so, we are in Roman's sleek, little white car. I decided to continue wearing my all black outfit while the others were better off with their swim trunks. I, also, talked Roman into letting me ride in the passenger seat. I didn't want to have a panic attack next to Smart Ass and Happy. That'll ruin everyone's moods, probably not Roman's.
       He hops in and starts up his car before speeding off to the nearest lake. He told us some of his friends are going to join us and I hate it. New people. Where I'm already uncomfortable. Fan-freaking-tastic. I slide down in my chair and pull my laptop out of my bag. Plugging in my headphones, I play my music and get back to business.

       We arrive at the lake as another car parks beside us. Great. People. Roman turns off the engine then hops out, greeting his friends as they pile out. I groan and put my stuff in my bag whilst the other two get out. The stomach wrenching feeling creeps up slowly as I hop out of the car, finally.
       They all look at me and I start feeling the uneasiness fill my stomach with dread. I hate it. Should've taken my anxiety meds. I head off towards an empty, shaded tree and sit down beside it. I lean against the trunk and sigh out my relief. Thank Heavens.
        Logan and Patton pull stuff out of the car and bring it to the beach. They set it up somewhat near me so I can come over and get stuff as I please. Bless those two for being excellent friends. Unlike someone who is still blabbering with his buddies. He looks flushed for some reason. Maybe he's talking about some chick he likes.
      "Hey, Princey! Start helping Logan and Patton," I yell, forgetting all the attention that'll get drawn to me.
     Roman looks to me and waves me off but follows what I say anyways. All his friends grab their stuff too and they bring it by ours. Great. I'll starve. Roman rolls out his red towel and pulls off his shirt. All his friends cheer.
      Too be perfectly honest, Roman has a nice body. Softly toned muscles with broad shoulders that narrow in before his hips. Hips hold a slight curve which gives him the ability to rest a hand on one side. Though he may not have a six pack, he does have eleven abs. He's...kinda hot.
       Wait-What? No, no. He's disgusting. What the hell was that about, brain? You need to shut up. He's not hot, he just has a nice...muscular build. I shake my head and look away from him, letting my computer distract me.
       I try to write something...anything, but I can't. I sigh and shove it back into my bag. Stupid Roman. I look to Logan and Patton and they are just sitting on the blanket, resting their feet in the sand as Patton snacks on some grapes. I smile faintly at the two of them.
      They are perfect together. Sure they might be somewhat opposites but they are fantastic together. I pull my hood up and walk over to them before sitting down on an edge of the blanket. "Hi, Virge," Patton says with a smile to me.
       "Hey, Patton," I say with a dull tone, "when are we going home?"
      "I'm estimating...5-6 pm," Logan states, frowning a bit, "I don't want to be here either that's why I made up a good time to leave and grab dinner."
      "Glad someone is with me on not being here,"
      "Me too." He watches Patton as he grabs a pail and shovel, running towards the edge of the beach.
      "What's he doing?" I watch him, moving up next to Logan.
      "Making a sand castle," He looks to me with his cold blue eyes, "Have you ever been to the the beach?"
      "Never, this is my first time. But I do know how to swim."
      Logan nods and watches Patton from afar, soft smile resting on his lips. "So, How are you? Being with Patton seems to make you happier.." I say, stuffing my hands into my pockets.
      "I definitely feel..warmer. I still get 'butterflies' in my chest when ever he's around. It's a good..feeling," Logan says with hesitance, but he's smiling anyways.
      "Nice," I look and see Roman running over.
      I pull my hoodie down, hiding my face even more. He chuckles a bit and I look over to him to notice he's on one knee to be eye level with him. "You gunna swim, Ursula?" He asks with his cocky smile.
       "Not when you're giving me that look, Princey. Also, if I remember correctly, Ursula tries to marry the prince..." I look him in the eye and he blinks, noticing his flaw.
        "Damn, you're right. Anyways, can you please join us? You too, Logan. Come swim"
        "I won't be able to see. I'm pretty blind without my glasses. Same goes for....Patton." Logan responds and I follow his gaze to Patton who is splashing joyously in the water.
        He sighs and looks to Roman with a sneer, "Fine, Half-wit."
        Roman smiles, "Yay, wait-"
       Logan takes off his sandals and walks to the water. I turn and look at Roman, "you're the last one. Be one of us."
       I groan and take off my hoodie. I slip off my sweats to purple swim trunks and take my shoes off by doing so. I grab a floatie ring that looks like a donut. "I hate you, Roman." I scowl as he chuckles.
       "I hate you too, Virge," he leads me to the water.
       Water. Deep and mysterious. It reminds me of myself. I take a step in and feel the cold water brush up onto my ankles. I set the donut floatie down in the water and step in it so it doesn't drift away. "Come on," Roman pleads, "it's not as cold as you,"
       "I know, just hold on," I pull out a tissue from my pocket and lean over, soaking it in water.
       I rinse off the makeup on my face and sigh. I push the tissue back into my pocket before I sit down on the floatie. Roman kicks me into the deeper water and I close my eyes.
       I hear everyone around me, splashing in the water. I feel the hot rays of the sun warming my body. It's kind of nice, I have to admit. I'm not used to being in a place like this. I open my eyes and rest a hand in the cool, autumn water. It feels...pleasant. Humming quietly, I try to relax the best I can.
         I feel like I'm drifting out of consciousness as I relax. I wiggle my fingers in the water to stay conscious. It's peaceful. Too peaceful... My eyes open and I look around, squinting due to the sun. I'm bit off from Logan and Patton so that doesn't bother me too much. I can paddle over if I need to.
           Roman is hanging out with some of his buddies, so I know that none of them are nearby. Yet, two are missing. They might've went to the bathroom or got some food. I lay back again and sigh. Thanks, anxiety. No problem, it'd probably say back to me.
         I close my eyes again and try to relax. Then I feel a forceful tug on my wrist. I yell and fall into the water. I lied when I told Logan I could swim. I can't.
         I wave my arms a bit which makes whatever was holding my wrist let go. I open my eyes and see blurry outlines of two people swimming away fast. My eyes sting and I close them as I try to take another breath. I suck in the water around me and cough it out, but it's a constant cycle of filling and letting out.
        I wave my arms a bit more, opening my eyes, as the sun's light dims. I can't tell if it's my vision or the depth. Well, I can't believe it. I'm dying. Goodbye, cruel world. Hopefully, I did something good. I see my vision fade as I go limp in the dark abyss.

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