The Show Blows the Crowd Away

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       Luckily for me, Roman turns back to normal and Logan never mentions to me about the "he likes you" speech again. Thank heavens. I honestly don't know what had gotten into him that day. Well, what had gotten into the both of them that day. At least Patton helped me.
       Patton and I have grown closer since those past few weeks, even if he is a bit odd. He's told me about his depression. He has atypical depression which he hides very well. Happy Pappy Patton isn't all that happy as he seems.
       I help him out with it as best I can and he appreciates me for that. It makes him happy. Actually happy. He helps me out with my feelings and it makes me feel freer, somewhat. So we talk, a lot. "You got another presentation coming up?" Patton asks, handing me a cup of Hot cocoa.
         "Yeah," I wrap my hands around the warm mug, "I'm starting to think the teacher doesn't want to teach."
        "It happens," He shrugs and smiles to me," though it doesn't help your AN to the XIETY."
        I nod and look down at the cup of hot cocoa. He threw in small marshmallows. I smile faintly at them. "Hey," He says, brightly, "How about you come and see Roman's play with us?"
       I roll my eyes and look to him, "you know I want nothing to do with him right now, right?"
       "I know, but it'll get your mind off the presentation,"
       "Ugh, yeah," I groan and look up from the cocoa, to him.
       He has a smile curving his lips and a pleading look in his eyes. Goddamn it, Patton. I sigh, "Fine, I'll go."
       "Yay!" He cheers and smiles brightly as I scoff.
       My lips curve in the corner, turning into a smirk. I love seeing this guy happy. He doesn't hug me, but pats my hand before rushing off to see Logan. I sip the hot cocoa and head over to the couch. I hear footsteps then the hot sensation of something hot on my chest.
       I look up and see Roman, awkwardly smiling. I snarl at him and grit my teeth. "I'm so sorr-" he starts, trying to take the empty cup of cocoa from me.
        "Can it, Mr.Musical," I pull the cup away from him and head to the kitchen, "Just be glad I'm not breaking this mug over your head."
       I hear him let out a small gasp before smiling crookedly, "I'm heading out to my show, see you guys later!"
       He rushes out the front door and slams the door behind him, making me jump in my combat boots. I let out a upset scoff after setting the cup in the dishwasher, and head to my room. Stupid Roman. Watch where you're going.
       I pull off my jacket, flannel and shirt and toss them into the hamper. I've already changed today so I barely have any shirts left. I manage to find and old black long sleeved t-shirt along with an Panic! At the disco tee. We need to do laundry soon. I head out to the kitchen and find the magnet white board. All of the things to do. Go to the play, get juice, more marshmallows, and, just now added, laundry.
       I sigh and start my way over to what I was going to do before Roman slammed into me. I sit on the coffee table and surf through Netflix. Hopefully something is good on here.

                       • • •
       After 2 hours or so, we are sitting in the seats at the auditorium for Roman's play during intermission. I get to be third wheel to the two love birds beside me. Hand holding and shit. It's cute though, I won't deny it.
       Besides the love birds in the crowd, the love birds on stage are great. The play is actually good. Nothing I've really seen before so I'm guessing the theater teacher wrote it. It's about a boy and a girl meeting on the streets of New York in earlier times like the 50's or 60's and have been talking to each other via paper air plane for a long time before the man finally asks the girl out. That's where we are in the story now.
        I can't wait to see what comes next in the story. Roman has never taught me the details about anything that he's been practicing, so I don't know any spoilers. The lights dim and I notice all the crowd has came back in. Roman is, of course, the lead with a girl named Valentine and another guy named Alistair who plays the guys best friend.
       The curtains draw back and I watch the performance.

      Roman's character is a dolt, just like him, and he always needs his friend's help to woo the lady. After a while of talking, Roman's character planned to take the lady on a date before bringing her to a hill to give her a promise ring.
      "Jane, Do you know why I brought you here?" Roman asks looking to Valentine, who looks back with a dazed, loving look.
      "To show me the beauty of the stars, Alexander?" Valentine questions him as Roman shakes his head, chuckling.
      "No," he takes her hands and pulls her up with him, "the beauty of the stars are just the reflection of how much I love you. All of the stars in the sky make up how much I love you."
      "Oh, Alex," She gasps, smiling embarrassedly at him.
      He tilts his head and tucks a few strands of hair behind her ear, "Jane. Do you promise to love me, and only me, until we wed?"
      "Yes, absolutely yes,"
      "Then," He pulls out a small ring box, "Take this ring and promise me that."
       She gasps as he opens the box. A ring glistens in the stage light before a gun shot blares. I hear people jump in their seats. I am one of them. Roman goes limp and falls into Valentine's arms. "No!" We both cry together and I cover my mouth as quick as I can.
       I feel the room silence in reaction. The ring box taps against the ground which starts the play up again. I yelled no. I sink down in my seat and I can feel Patton and Logan looking at me. I don't look at the commotion on stage and another gunshot blares, and everything goes silent. The curtains draw in and I guess the play ended. Good, I can head out. I duck as I get up then run out of the auditorium as everyone stands to cheer. I fall to the ground outside and lean against the wall.
        I take some deep breaths as I listen to the cars pass. I don't care if I'm freezing my ass off, I just don't want to have a panic attack. I hear the door open and Patton sits down beside me. "I'm so sorry," He says, resting his hand over mine, "if I knew about that, I wouldn't have made you come,"
       I shake my head and he sits beside me, allowing me to lean on someone. I look up at the sky and take more deep breaths. Too many thoughts. Too many people. Too loud. Patton looks at his phone and then shoves it away, "Logan is going to help out Roman and then we'll head out, okay?"
      I nod and he nods back. I peels off his jacket before draping it on me. I hide into it and take some deep breaths. Smells of Vanilla I shrug and close my eyes. He's too great for this world and I'm glad Logan noticed this in him.
      We wait outside as I slowly calm down. I start to feel better when the doors open. Logan walks out, followed by Roman. He's grinning cockily and holding flowers. I grimace at him before pulling myself up. "I heard you, Dr.Gloom," He smirks, kiss marks on his cheek from fans.
       "Well, Princey," I cross my arms and scowl at him, "it was the play, Not the actors."
      He pouts, but not so big as usual, "sure it wasn't."
      I frown my I can feel my eyes swelling with tears. I turn away and  sling Patton's jacket on. Stupid Roman. I hear Logan sigh before walking to his car. I follow after him, not wanting to be left with Roman. Patton follows beside me, but I notice him looking back to Roman.
        Sucks for him. We hop in Logan's car and I stretch across the backseats. I'll just pass out and my mood will pass. I sigh and lay on my side as Logan pulls out to head home. Patton looks back to me and I close my eyes.
       I let the tears flow and I hear Logan and Patton starting to yell. I feel something on my feet and I see Patton sitting on my feet. I sniff and sit up, pulling on a seatbelt. Logan looks agitated through the rear-view mirror. I guess Patton climbed over the seats to comfort me. I lean into him and he hugs me close.
       I cry into his shoulder and he rubs my back, whispering calming messages into my ear. I feel drained and put some of my weight onto him. I grip onto his shirt lightly and he hums "Don't you worry, child". Thank you, Patton. You're a good guy.
      I won't say I was scared of seeing Roman die, but the gunshot. I know I'm lying. It was because of Roman 'dying'. It made me...I don't know...I felt something though.

{A/N: Happy holidays!}

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