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Now we reach the end of this story...

I had a hard but great time writing this book. I experience a lot of author's block during the process and it is really a pain-in-my-ass but I know I have to keep going because a lot and I am sure all of you are going to kill me with "update" comments and I don't want to disappoint you guys co'z you all mean so much to me.

I'm saddened that Kevin and Ashley's story have to end but it's been a good journey. Imagining those places and events specially Hawaii. My brother, sister and friend's family lives in Honolulu so I thought why not make another story that happened in Hawaii even though I've never been anywhere but home (Philippines).

I hope I inspired you to believe, love and hope in my story. This is what all of this jumbled words is about self love and acceptance!

A big thanks to all of you who have waited every Friday for updates, who read patiently even with my cringe worthy typo errors and grammars, thanks to all the votes, comments, followings and messages it really inspires me to keep writing.

I am thinking of writing another book and I have a lot of plots in my head right now it's all mix up so maybe I'll just take a short break and publish another book probably April or June next year. So hopefully I'll get another warm welcome and feedback from you guys.

Until next time!

Angelyn Hernandez❤

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