⇢ Chapter 4.

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Chapter 4

Hizashi looks around the market, picking things up for the boys whenever they come over and also for Deku, who's still working hard to clean up his place. "Love in the Dark. I can't wait for the next sequel to come out, Yuki Shoto is my favorite author. I can't wait for her next book." Hizashi thought to himself, he literally has every copy of Yuki-sensei books. He's her biggest fan but he never lets anyone know since they're all romance novels.

After paying for his groceries, he begins to head back home. "I hope Deku is doing alright. He seemed pretty nervous about being left alone." He thought to himself. When he gets back, Hizashi stopped and stared inside his house in total shock. "Holy shit, my place is clean! I can see the floors.. the tables are clean..! What—how the hell did you clean the couch!?" Hizashi boomed with many questions with a shock look on his face.

"Oh! I-It was easy. Some baking soda and vinegar, there were some stains I couldn't take out but it's clean now. A-and I also finished the kitchen!" Deku explains quickly with an awkward smile on his face while rubbing the back of his head.

"I can finally cook in here.. That's if, when I learn how to cook..." Hizashi mumbles with a laugh, "Wow, you even cleaned out the fridge! Great job, here is your root beer. You totally deserve it." Hizashi passes the root beer to Deku who gladly takes it.

"Thank you, Coach. But, I still gotta clean the," Deku gulped in fear, "...bathroom." The blond coach laughs and waves Deku off, "No, that's a-okay. You've done enough. If you do everything now, there will be nothing left and you can't earn the rest of the money." Hizashi says but deep down, he knows the cleanness is only going to last for a week or so.

"Oh, yeah, that's right. Well, then. That will be the next job when I come Tuesday for practice." Deku says as he opens his root beer, "Yeah, Tuesday. Come, lets sit outside and wait for the brats to come. Grab the other chair," Hizashi points to the other folding chair next to the couch.

"O-okay..." Deku says as he grabs the chair and follows Hizashi outside. As they were sitting outside waiting for the rest of the team to come, Hizashi notice Deku getting all nervous as if he was thinking about something or wanting to ask something.

"What's up? The root beers no good? Haha, I knew you'll come around for that real beer." Hizashi says as he sips on his drink and stares at Deku while trying to hand him a beer.

"Uh, n-no, coach. I'm 16, I-I can't drink beer. The root beer is fine." The green haired boy says quickly, "Ah, I'm just playing. I know you can't drink beer." Hizashi says as he puts the beer down by his feet. "You clean really well. I bet your mom taught you, huh?" Hizashi asked while taking another sip of his beer.

"Uh, yea. I know she works really hard so I help out at home. I clean and do the laundry and I cook as well." Deku says as his finger traces the rim of his bottle, "I want to make it easier for my mom when she gets home. Because I know she is tired from work, so I don't want to be a burden for her..." Deku says with a low voice.

"Wow, you really are a good kid. But it can't be easy, huh, since you are only a kid." Hizashi says while finishing up his beer. Deku looks at his coach and responses quickly, "No, no, I'm not complaining! I like helping my mom. Since it's only us two, I just want to help as much as possible since I can't work yet."

"I know, I know. You work hard in everything you do. Your grades are great and you work hard at home. I know your mom is very proud of you, she's raising a great son." Hizashi says while ruffling Deku's green hair.

"T-Thanks coach!" Deku smiles brightly at his coach. Deku, now looking at his bottle, Hizashi realizes there is something else he wanted to ask and he has a feeling on what that is.

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