⇢ Chapter 19.

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Chapter 19.

    As Shota begins to stuff his face with the cake Iida brought, he decided to bring some to Hizashi who is still pouting in the room like a small child. "Hey, you scaredy cat, you want some cake?" Shota asked as he shoves a piece in Hizashi's mouth before he could even answer.

    Hizashi starts coughing and whining like a child, "why're you so mean to me? I thought you love me!" Hizashi exclaims with a sad face. "Dumbass.. I'll show you how I feel," Shota says with a smirk as he pushes Hizashi on the bed and closes the door with his feet.

    "Keep it quiet in there Uncle, I don't wanna Sensei screaming to the whole neighborhood." Hitoshi yells at Shota and Deku agreeing while the rest of the boys laughs. "No promises," Shota yells back and then the boys could hear Hizashi yelling Shota's name in a joking manner.

    "Damn, I would have never thought coach would bottom," Kaminari says with a laugh. "Nah, they switch. It's just that Sensei is really loud compared to Uncle." Hitoshi says and Deku agreeing, sad to know their information.

    "Oh, that's cool so do we, right Bakugo?" Kirishima says as he puts his arm around Bakugo who huffed and turned his head to the side. "Shut up, Shitty Hair. And you only top when you pass your damn test, dumbass." Bakugo snarls back at Kirishima who had the widest grin on his face, proud.

    "Okay, anyways—so I wanna know how the hell did you and Aoyama get together," Kirishima asked Sero. "Well, who wouldn't want him, look at him!" Sero exclaims as he kisses Aoyama on the cheek making him blush a bright red.

    "I know it's totally random but what can I say—opposite attracts!" Aoyama says with a bright smile. "So who bottoms?" Kaminari asked earning a slap on his head from Todoroki who was shaking his head. "You can't just ask people about their sex lives, that's pri—"

    "Oh, I'm a total bottom bitch." Aoyama says with sass laced in his voice and the others stared not knowing what to say—expect Kirishima and Hitoshi who were trying to hold their laughter from the outburst.

    "What about you, Kaminari?" Sero asked, ignoring the shock stares and does his usual wide grin. "I obviously t—" Kaminari was cut off.

    "He bottoms." Todoroki cuts in before Kaminari could answer. "Babe! What the hell?!" Kaminari says as he pouts. Everyone starts laughing, now knowing that Kaminari is a bottom bitch. "Whatever, what about you Izuku? You a bottom like us~" Kaminari says as he puts his arm around Aoyama only for Sero to push him off.

    "Well, um, I guess.." Deku mumbles nervously. "I don't mind bottoming if thats what Deku wants. Besides, our relationship isn't about top or bottoms, it's about how we feel for each other and the connection we have. Sex isn't about position, it's about wanting to become one with each other and love." Hitoshi explains making Deku blush while trying to hide his smile.

    "Wow, thats deep man. No wonder Izuku is so in love with you. Hey Shoto, can I top you?" Kaminari says as he clings onto Todoroki.

    "I don't care." Todoroki answers back like it was nothing big. "Awe babe! I love you~" Kaminari gushes towards Todoroki. Everyone just laughs at Kaminari as he starts kissing Todoroki who is just sitting there doing nothing to stop it.

    As the boys countiues talking about sex—you know, regular teenager talk—and each other relationships, Kirishima realizes all the books Shota has. "Hey Hitoshi, why does your uncle has so many books and so many copies of the same book? Oh, look Bakugo! Isn't this your favorite book?" Kirishima says as he holds up Shota book called Alibi. 

    Bakugo eyes lit up when he saw the book and realized the name on it. "The grinch wrote this book?" He asked in disapproval.

    "Yeah, he did. You didn't realize that by his name?" Hitoshi say. "I didn't know his name so how the hell am I suppose to know!" Bakugo snarled back at Hitoshi who held his hand up and rolled his eyes.

    "You didn't know his name? He told us his name when we met him." Kirishima replied with a small smile and scratched the back of his head. "Well I didn't care so I didn't bother to listen." Bakugo huffed.

    "Wait isn't that the book they're making a movie for?" Sero asked. "No! They didn't get the rights to it yet. Besides, I hope they don't because they suck at adapting a book to movies." Bakugo argued as he looks through Shota's books.

    "Yeah, that's why my uncle never let them make his books into movies." Hitoshi says. "Isn't the 4th part coming out soon, Bakugo?" Kirishima asked as he looks through the pile of papers and scattered stories.

    "Yeah, I already pre-ordered it. So I just gotta wait.." Bakugo stops mid-sentence when a book hits him on the head. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Bakugo yelled, looking around to see who hit him before moving his hand up and grabbing the book and realized it was the 4th part of Alibi.

    "Make sure you don't lose that, Loud Mouth." Shota says as he walks into the kitchen after throwing the book to the ash blonde. "Thanks.. old man" Bakugo mumbles with a low voice but with a small blush on his face from how excited he is to read the fourth part. Shota just smiles when he sees Bakugo's semi excited expression (if you squint hard enough you'll see it) to read the book.

    "Where's coach?" Deku asked as he looks around for the blonde loud mouth (not Bakugo).

    "He's sleeping. I put that ass to sleep—if you know what I mean." Shota says with a smirk making all the boys let out a loud gagging sound or screaming ew in unison, causing to Shota laugh.

    "Shota!! Come back to bed, baby!" Hizashi yells in a high pitched voice, mimicking a needy girlfriend's. "Shut the hell up. I'm thirsty and tired." Shota yelled back as he searches in his fridge for something to drink.

    Hizashi starts whining like a small child making all the boys laugh at their humor. "We need to come over move often, it's so much fun." Kaminari says with another laugh. "As long as you bring food and clean up, I don't care." Shota replies before grabbing a bottle of whip cream and walks back to the room while spraying some into his mouth.

    "Baby~" Hizashi says in a singing voice. "God damn, let me close the door before you start sucking." Shota says jokingly as he closes the door which made all the boys gagging once more. Hitoshi and Deku, who are used to it, just laughs. The boys continues their talk about relationships and other boy stuff that teenage boys talk about, completely forgetting they have a project to finish, which of course Bakugo, Iida, Hitoshi, Todorioki and Deku ends up doing it for everyone. Such nerds but we love em!

Sorry for taking so long to update. My phone decided to erase chap 19 & 20 so I had to redo them 😩 I'm working on 20 now so I'm hoping it will be done this week. Fingers crossed.

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