⇢ Chapter 17.

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Chapter 17.

"Ugh, my back! And why the hell is he so clingy?" Shota asks to himself as he sits up and pushes Hizashi's arm off of him. Shota wakes up in the middle of the night, not really able to sleep. He walks to the kitchen quietly, not wanting to wake up Hitoshi and Deku. He looks over to see Deku all spread out and Hitoshi curled in a ball in the corner like a cat.

"Hah, he really is a cat. He doesn't change his sleeping position since he was a kid." Shota thought with a small laugh. Shota grabs a glass of water and sits down at the kitchen table looking out the window.

"Hey, Uncle. You okay?" Hitoshi whispers as he rubs his eyes. "Damn, how did you hear me? I was sure I was quiet. You got pretty good hearing, if so." Shota said with a laugh. "Maybe." Hitoshi replied with an amused smile.

"I got thirsty. What are you doing up?" Hitoshi says as he grabs a glass of water for himself before sitting down with Shota. "Ugh, I couldn't sleep this dummy, he's all over me and I got hot." Shota says while rubbing his forehead.

"Hey Uncle.. can I ask you something?" Hitoshi asked while rubbing his finger on the rim of the glass. "Sure, but stop doing that. It's making a noise and Deku or Hizashi is gonna get up." Shota says as he places his hand on top of Hitoshi to stop him.

"Oh yeah, but anyways, do you love Sensei? I heard you at the diner tonight." Hitoshi questioned, already knowing the answer. Shota was shocked by the question thinking no one heard him. After some thought he finally answered Hitoshi.

"Yeah.. yeah, I think I do. But now I don't know what to do. I only have 4 more days until the bet is over. Should I stay quiet about it and win or should I tell him? But if I tell him, he might get mad and I don't wanna hurt him." Shota says as he looks down at his empty cup.

"Uncle, I think you should tell him. Just tell him the truth, that at first it was a stupid bet between you and the old hag but you never thought that you would fall in love. He's gonna be mad but he loves you so I know he will forgive you. But you need to be the one to tell him, it would suck if he hears it from the old hag or finds out months later." Hitoshi says while holding his uncle hand with a soothing smile.

"Wow, I never thought I would get good advice from my nephew. I wonder who you taught you." Shota jokes with a small laugh while ruffing Hitoshi's messy hair. "Well, I got a pretty cool Uncle." Hitoshi says with a smile lightly punching Shota's arm.

"But you're right. I need to tell him and I will. Thanks Toshi." Shota says while ruffling Hitoshi hair and Hitoshi laughing. After that they both sat there talking about Deku weird sleeping habits and Hizashi snoring. "Toshi? Toshi?" Both Shota and Hitoshi stops talking after hearing Deku calling for Hitoshi.

They both looked over the counter to see Deku, still sleeping. He's sleep talking and the next thing that came out his mouth had Shota laughing so hard tears was coming out his eyes and Hitoshi turning bright red.

"T-Toshi! Oh right there, I-I like it when you do it like that. O-Oh God, I'm cumming..!" Hitoshi runs to Deku and shakes him to wake up. Deku, who is still asleep, just mumbles randoms words and then silence. "Wow, he's having a wet dream about you. What do you do that he loves?" Shota says teasing Hitoshi.

"Uncle, shut up and go to bed." Hitoshi yells at Shota, cheeks bright red before hiding under his covers. Shota laughs as he walks back to his room. He lays down next to Hizashi, looking at him fondly, lightly moves his blond hair away from his face. Shota lightly kisses his cheeks before laying his head to go to sleep. After some time Hizashi wakes up to see Shota curled up in a ball.

"Hah, he's like a cat. A mean cat but my cat." Hizashi quietly mumbles fondly with a smile. He leans over Shota and moves Shota black hair away from his face to kiss his cheek. Shota reacts to the kiss and grabs Hizashi arm, turns over and snuggles his face in Hizashi's chest. Hizashi just lets out a little laugh and says, "You say I'm the clingy one but its you who always grabs me. That's one of the many things I love about you, Shota." Hizashi lays back down and holds onto Shota feeling his warmth and falls back to sleep.

I just love the relationship between Shota and Hitoshi! Kinda wish now I made them father and son : ) 

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