⇢ Chapter 29.

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Chapter 29.

    "Hey old man, wake up! We have to get everything ready!" Hitoshi yelled at Shota from the living room, Shota began mumbling random words as he sits up from his bed. "Hey wake up." Shota says as he hits the lazy blond next to him.

    "Can't you wake me up in a nicer way, my sweet husband~" Hizashi singsong as he grabs Shota to lay him back down but Shota smacks him on the head and gets up from the bed. "Get up, we have to get the place ready for Nori bachelor party." Shota says as he walks out the room. Today was Toshinori's bachelor party and as his best man Shota had to throw the party. But since he's not good with parties, Hizashi agreed to help him. They are officially dating again and Hizashi even moved in. It made no sense for him to have his own place when he spent all his time with Shota. It's been a few months since they became official and of course everyone was so happy.

    Hitoshi and Deku came over to help set up the food and drinks. Hizashi was in charge of the entertainment, of course, Toshinori did not want strippers but Hizashi doesn't listen, as usual. "You better not have gotten a stripper, you know Nori didn't want one." Shota states as he notices the handcuffs and whips and rolled his eyes.

    "I know, so I got a mistress instead." Hizashi replies with a wide smile. "What the hell?! Why a mistress? And who?" Shota asked in annoyance as he lightly glares at the blonde. "Ah, there's this place downtown I used to go to when I was in college and there was this mistress called "Midnight" and she was hella sexy but she scared me so—why are you looking like you're gonna puke?" Hizashi questioned in confusion as he noticed Shota's skin turning pale.

    "Please tell me you didn't do anything with her—" Shota quickly said while trying to hold back his puke. "No I didn't, she scared me so I never did. Why? You know her?" Hizashi asked wondering why Shota asked him that. "Because Midnight is Nemuri." Shota stated as he tries not to laugh seeing Hizashi's shocked face.

"Wait WHAT??!!" Hizashi yelled. Before Shota could answer, Nemuri walks in with a smile. "Hey love birds, what's up?" Nemuri says as she hands Hitoshi two trays of food. "Hey Nemuri, where Yuu?" Hitoshi asks. "I'm here!" Yuu yells as she struts into Shota's house.

    Shota turns towards Nemuri with a small smirk on his face, "Hey Yuu, I just finished telling Hizashi about Midnight." Shota said with a laugh. "Ah! That was fun times." Nemuri gushed with a smile as she remembers her time as the #1 mistress. "Who the hell is Midnight?" Hitoshi questioned with a raised eyebrow and Deku curiously walked in too, wanting to know.

    "Ah, that was Nemuri's mistress name. She worked in a S&M club." Shota answers for Nemuri. "Wait what?" Hitoshi was even more confused now. "Yup! My baby was the #1 mistress. Whips, chains and all that jazz. She still has her old costume." Yuu says with a smile.

    Shota and Hitoshi makes gagging noises only to get hit by Nemuri. "Wow, I remember going to the club and seeing you. You scared the hell out of me when you stepped on a guy's dick making him cu—" Hizashi says but Deku covers his mouth and shook his head in disappointment.

    "Oh yeah~ guys loves that. But I don't do any of that anymore. Well, only for Yuu~" Nemuri purrs as she give Yuu a quick kiss making her blush. "Anyways, what brought up this trip to the past?" Nemuri tilted her head to the side.

    "This dumbass ordered a mistress for Nori's party tonight." Shota said as he pokes Hizashi on his side. "Oh yeah.. Nori is not gonna like it but it will be fun. He use to turn so red that one of the girls thought he was dying." Nemuri starts laughing and Shota joined in too. "Well whatever, as long as Nori is having fun. Besides, who's coming?" Shota asked.

    "Some of the teachers and friends of Toshinori." Hizashi replied. "Oh wow, the teachers are coming? Yuck, come on Deku, let's go before we see them. I so don't want to see any of my teachers on a weekend it's bad enough my uncle is dating one." Hitoshi says as he rushes Deku out the house.

    Everyone starts laughing while Shota yells at them, "Well Deku has it worse! His mother is marrying his teacher!" Deku starts smiling and gives Shota a thumbs up making everyone laugh even harder. "Come on babe, we have to get ready, too, for Inko bachelorette party." Yuu says as she grabs Nemuri's hands.

    "Oh? You're throwing Inko's party?" Shota asked, confused. "No, Mitsuki Bakugo is throwing the party." Nemuri replied. "Wait, that loud mouth's mom?" Shota blinks in shock, even more confused.

    "Yeah, they've been friends since they were little so of course their sons grew up together. And besides, Mitsuki is her maid of honor. I'm just glad she's not leaving me. I told her she can't leave me, she my best assistant ever." Nemuri explains as Yuu agreed with her.

    "Yeah, I remember Nori told me you called him, threatening him." Shota chuckle a little at the memory. "Yeah I did!" Nemuri said proudly, crossing her arms over her chest and smiled in pride. "But, Inko never planned on leaving me. So I'm happy. Well anyways, I'll leave you boys to it. Have fun and record Nori's reaction during the show because I need to see his reaction!" Nemuri exclaims with a loud laugh as she leaves with Yuu who is waving bye.

    Shota and Hizashi just shakes their heads and continued getting the place ready for the party. Everyone arrived and the party was a huge success. Let's just say Toshinori will never forgot that night—well, he can't even if he wanted to because both Hizashi and Shota recorded the whole thing for Nemuri. Poor Toshinori passed out from drinking too much and the shock of seeing his mentor and father figure getting whipped by the mistress and Hizashi laughing so hard that his tears was streaming down his face from Toshinori's expression of all the things that was happening at that part. We can say this night was a night no one will ever forget.

Yay!! They are back together and even living together! : )
Next chapter will be the last but don't worry the sequel will be coming soon : )

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