⇢ Chapter 23.

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Chapter 23.

Hizashi's stood at Shota's living room, heartbroken after hearing what he had heard from the love of his life. "All of this.. was a joke?" He voices out loud, "did you not mean anything you said before? How can I be so fucking stupid to actually believe you loved me!"

But Shota stood quiet, in shock also. "Answer me Shota! Was everything a fucking bet?" Hizashi yelled, his face turning red from embarrassment and anger. "Tell me it's not true? Tell me Shota!" Hizashi went up and grabs Shota's shoulders, in hopes that the black haired male will tell him that he was only lying.

Instead, Shota's eyes didn't look at the blonde, not able to look into those sad eyes and only nod his head yes. Nemuri and Hitoshi stood there, knowing that for Shota it stop being a bet but he wouldn't say it.

"I'm sorry," is all he could say. Hizashi was beyond furious, he releases Shota's shoulders and instead, punches Shota right in the face.

"YOU'RE SORRY?! That's all you can say?! After everything we did and I told you how I felt—you're sorry?! You fucking asshole, how the hell can you do this?! I fucking love you! I wanted us to be a family me, you along with Toshi. How can you do this? Was any of this real? WAS IT?!" Hizashi was beyond yelling at this point, his voice cracked as tears streamed down his face with his hands balled in a fist as he grips at Shota's shirt.

The tears wouldn't stop falling and soon, Hitoshi slowly steps in and lightly tugs on Hizashi's shirt. "Sensei.. please stop. I know the bet was stupid but.."

Hitoshi trying to pull Hizashi off but he was cut off when Hizashi asks him, "you knew about the bet?"

"Yes, but I didn't want this to happen in the first place." Hitoshi chokes out with sadness laced in his voice. "Please Sensei, calm down. Uncle, please tell him the truth." Hitoshi begged Shota to finally come clean.

"Ha! The truth? How can I believe anything that comes out his mouth now? And to think you knew about this, Hitoshi, and didn't say anything. Of course you wouldn't say anything, since you would cover for this fucking asshole." Hizashi growled in anger, wiping his own tears away as he let's Shota go and walks away.

"Does Deku knows?" Hizashi asked with his back turned towards everyone.

"No." Hitoshi says with a quiet voice.

"Yeah, there's no way he would have known and not tell me. He's a good kid. Maybe too good for you.." Hizashi snarled under his breath but everyone heard it, and he walks out Shota's house.

"Well, I knew that would happen." Shota finally says as he gets up from the floor. Nemuri, who was lost of words throughout the entire thing, helps him up and sits him on the couch then heads to the kitchen to get some ice for his face.

"Uncle—why didn't you say anything? I thought you was gonna tell him? What happen!" Hitoshi questioned with sad eyes.

"I don't know. I wanted to.. my mind was telling my body to move and yell out the truth but.. I couldn't do it. I wanted to tell him it wasn't a lie. I do love him, but it didn't want to come out. I don't know why but it didn't want to come out." Shota continued repeating those words over and over again with tears filling his eyes, threatening to fall out.

"Look, I'll go over there and talk to him. It's my fault. I started this whole thing. I'll fix it." Nemuri finally spoke up as she holds Shota's hand.

"No, it's not your fault, it's mine. I agreed to it and I could have ended it a long time ago but I didn't. I'll figure something out." Shota mumbles, getting up ready to leave to his room.

"Hitoshi, you should go home and talk to Deku. He should hear it from you. And Nemuri, tell Yuu I said thanks for lunch. I'll have the book done by Thursday." Shota says those final words before he left, closing the door behind him.

Both Hitoshi and Nemuri just sat there, worried about Shota and Hizashi and what will happen to their relationship.

"Damn, what can I do to fix this?" Nemuri mutters to herself, running her fingers through her black hair. Hitoshi only looks at her and says, "nothing. They have to fix it themselves. I just hope Uncle doesn't gives up like he always does." He looks at his watch and shook his head. "I better get going and call Deku."

"Come on, I'll give you a ride home." Nemuri says, standing up. The both left but deep within them, they hoped that Shota can fix what happened between him and Hizashi.

Okay so um yea surprise!! I decided to update super early this time. And guess what?! More heartbreak! Damn it Shota!! Next one will be better.. maybe.. yea no just more heartbreak. Sorry!

Side note: Love you guys so much and thank you for your support. You guys are the best : )

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