⇢ Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5.

"Ah, finally done!" Shota says to himself, he finally done with his second installment of his romance book, Shota lets out a huge sigh before getting up to grab a beer.

"Are you asking me if I'm gay?" Shota hears Hizashi asking the question, 'What the hell? Who is he talking to?' Shota thought to himself. Then he hears a squeaky voice, stammering over his words, 'Is that broccoli head?' he thought. Shota began wondering what the hell they're talking about so he decides to grab his blanket and sit by the window to listen to the conversation.

As Shota listens to the conversation, he realizes that him and Hizashi have things in common. Shota doesn't really care about gender, I mean, his last fuck buddy was a guy. Shota usually bottoms for the simple fact that he's just too lazy to top, but when he's actually in the mood—well, it's fucking hot.

"Huh? Guess we can agree on that," Shota thought when Hizashi explains to Deku about his sex life even though Shota kind of thinks this conversation is maybe a little too inappropriate to have that type of conversation with a student, but then again, Hizashi isn't actually an appropriate teacher.

Shota was impressed with the answer Hizashi gave to Deku, 'Uh, he sounds smart even though he's stupid, even broccoli boy thought so.' Shota says with a small smile then laughs when he hears Hizashi yelling at Deku. While drinking his beer, he nearly chokes when he hears Deku talk about his own sexual experiences with Hitoshi.

"Ew, I didn't need to know that about my own nephew, that's nasty—and his name is Hitoshi, not purple hair kid," Shota says to himself as he wipes the beer off his chin with he back of his hand. "Well, I guess I should stop calling Deku broccoli head—but his hair looks like broccoli..." Shota says with a laugh before looking back at the two with a small smile, "Wow. So this kid wanna do it with Hitoshi, huh?" Shota then looks over to the couch where his lazy nephew is laid out, sleeping and snoring, drooling all over his face as half his body is on the couch and the other half on the floor. "I...I honestly don't see why that kid really likes him.." Shota mumbles with a confused look before looking back out the window, jumping from his seat when he hears Bakugou loud mouth, of course, yelling at Deku.

"Oh, my God. What the hell is this kid's problem? Why is he always fighting with Deku?" Shota rolls his eyes in annoyance, now pissed by one, Bakugou's voice volume and two, Deku's high pitched screams.

Shota has no idea where those pitches comes out from Deku—and he doesn't want to know, either—but it's annoying as fuck. Shota gets up with blanket wrapped around him, all you can see is his strands of his black hair covering his face slightly and his bloodshot eyes. He marches to his door and swings it open, only to hear Hizashi say out loud, "Oh shit, the monster has arrived and he doesn't look happy.."

Shota just sticks up his middle finger towards Hizashi's direction while looking right at Bakugou. "What the fuck is your problem, you loud fucker." Shota snarls at the angry blond who is being held back by Kirishima and Sero.

"What you said, old man?!" Bakugou growls back, "What are you, stupid? I know you heard me, you little shit. What the fuck is your problem? Why you are always fucking yelling? Do you like Deku or something, but he turned your ass down so the only way to hide your pain is by always picking on him?!" Shota shouts back, stomping his way door the front-porch.

"What the hell is going on, Uncle?" Hitoshi asks, now up from hearing his Uncle screaming, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "I'm sorry about that, we're going inside!" Hizashi says with a nervous laugh as he grabs Bakugou by the back of his neck.

"Aizawa?! What the hell are you doing? I hope your book is done since you have so much goddamn time to yell at kids!" Says a tall, long black haired women with big boobies.

"Ugh, shit.. Nemuri, what the hell are you doing here?" Shota says loudly with a sigh. Nemuri rolls her dark blue eyes, "I obviously came to make sure you had your book done, and to make sure your dumbass is still alive since you don't wanna answer your stupid phone." Nemuri complains, flipping her hair slightly, "By the way, why the hell are you yelling at the kids for?"

Shota rolls his eyes and was about to answer the tall women who walked over to Shota, and stopped right next to Deku. She looks down at the green haired male and she was immediately in awe. "Awe! This one is so cute, I just wanna keep him!" Nemuri exclaims loudly while holding Deku whose face is now in her huge boobies.

"Damn it, I wish I was Deku right now.." Hizashi sighs loudly earning disgusted looks by the younger boys. "Oi! Let go of Deku, you old hag!" Hitoshi yells at the tall woman who is still holding the suffocating Deku. "Aw! If it isn't the lazy ass nephew~" She teases before giving Hitoshi a scold, "And who the hell you calling an old hag? You better show me some respect, you little brat!" Nemuri says as she lets Deku go and started walking towards Shota's door with a little strut walk, flipping her hair on the way.

Nemuri stops right at Shota door and looks over to Hizashi, "Who is this cute guy over here?" Nemuri says, pointing a finger while smiling at Hizashi. "That's my annoying ass neighbor.." Shota replied with a sigh and an eye roll.

"The name is Hizashi. Nice to meet you Ms—" Hizashi trails off while walking over to Nemuri with a slight smirk. "Nemuri Kayama. Nice to meet you, Hizashi. Sorry if this dumbass is bothering your kids here." Nemuri says while flipping her hair off her shoulders, giving Hizashi a small seductive smile.

"They are the one who were bothering me.." Shota mumbles as he turns around to enter his apartment. "And stop flirting, you have a girlfriend already." Shota says before going inside his house.

"You little shit! Who said I was flirting! I was simply being nice, and besides, he seems to be more your type. Anyways, when was the last time you got laid because you're grumpier as hell. Maybe you need some dick to put you in a much better mood, you asshole." Nemuri argues while following Shota inside, before turning to Hizashi once last time.

"Sorry about that, sometimes he acts like a kid."

"Shut the hell up, you fucking hag." Shota yells at Nemuri from inside making the black haired girl glare and stomp inside. "Who the fuck you calling a old hag?! I'm only a year older than you, you ugly asshole!" Nemuri yells back before slamming the door.

Hizashi and everyone else just stood there in awe not knowing what to say before Kaminari began laughing, "Deku, you should have motor boat her boobies!" Sero and Kirishima both started laughing and agreeing with Kaminari.

"Wha—Wha—What?! Why would I do that?! She almost killed me!" Deku exclaims, his entire face turning red. Hizashi laughed loudly until he stopped and realized what Nemuri said minutes ago.

"What? I'm his type? So does that mean..." Hizashi is now lost for words before an evil grin spread on his face, "That means he's as gay as you, Coach" Says Todoroki who was sitting next to Hizashi. "What the hell? How long have you been there?" Hizashi asked, jumping slightly when he realized Todoroki has been there the entire time.

Shoto just looked at Hizashi like he was a dumbass, blinking before looking forward. "Whatever. Everyone, get inside! And before you complain, the place is clean, thanks to Deku." Hizashi announced as he folds up his chair and open his door. Everyone followed Hizashi inside of his apartment only to be amazed with how clean the living room is.

"Wow! Deku, you did a great job." Iida praised, "Thank you, Iida." Deku says sheepishly, with a small smile and scratched the back of his head. "Damn it Deku! I wanna knock you out right now, but I'm too hungry. Hey Coach, order us pizza and I want one entire pie just for myself." Bakugou yelled as he throws himself on the couch and placed his head on Kirishima's shoulder.

"What do I look like? Your father? Everyone is sharing, you little shit." Hizashi rolled his eyes as he picks up his phone and calls the pizza shop. "If I don't get my own, I will fucking destroy this place and make your stupidass neighbor pissed off again!" Bakugou grunted with an evil smirk making Hizashi glare hard at the blonde.

"You little fucking shit.. Ugh, fine! You damned brat..." Hizashi mumbles, pissed off. "No, sorry. I wasn't speaking to you, I was talking to a little brat." He quickly says over the phone to the guy on the other side from the pizzeria. 



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