⇢ Chapter 30.

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Chapter 30.

"Congratulations!!" Everyone cheered while holding up their champagne glasses. It was Toshinori's and Inko's wedding party.

"Wow, I can't believe Nori's married before us." Nermuri says while smiling brightly, a little jealous because she wants to get married, too, but still proud of her friend.

"Yeah, but I'm not surprised since he always wanted a family. While we was the one who didn't." Shota says with a slight laugh. "Yeah, but now we have someone worth marrying, right?" Nermuri says as she points to Hizashi and Yuu who were talking to each other.

Shota just smiles as he looks fondly at the man he wants to spend the rest of his life with. Hizashi notices Shota's eyes staring directly at him and just smiles, giving a small wave. "I'm so happy you finally found the one for you. After that asshole, I thought this day would never come but I'm so glad I made that bet." Nermuri says with a proud smile.

"Shut up! And besides, how did you know this would end up like this?" Shota ask as he hits Nermuri arm lightly. "I had a feeling. Just call it women intuition." She says with a smile. Both Shota and Nermuri begins teasing each other making Hizashi and Yuu laugh.

"I swear those two are like brother and sisters," Yuu says with a laugh. "Yeah, who fights like cats and dogs." Hizashi replies.

"Shota is definitely the cat." Both Yuu and Hizashi says at the same time making them laugh.

"We should go and stop them before Nermuri puts Shota in a choke hold. I seen her do it once and it was not pretty." Yuu says laughing at the memory of Shota turning blue and then bitting Nermuri on the arm to release him.

They both walk over to both Shota and Nermuri calling each other old and Nermuri poking Shota on his side making him mad. "Okay, okay, please leave my poor kitty alone." Hizashi says while getting in the middle of Shota and Nermuri.

"Who the hell is your kitty?" Shota snap back poking Hizashi on his back making him jump.

Yuu and Nermuri started laughing, seeing Hizashi and Shota starting pinching and poking each other. "Please stop, you're embarrassing me." Hitoshi says as he walks up to the grown adults acting like a bunch of children.

"Oh look it's the neph—oh! I mean son saving his dad!!" Nermuri says with a smile.

A few days before the wedding, Hitoshi found a stack of papers in his mother's room while they was cleaning and saw a DNA testing saying that Shota was Hitoshi's dad. Shocked, he asked his mother and she finally confessed to Hitoshi about everything. We all knew the story but there was a part Shota did not mention to Hizashi, he did take the DNA test but he was told he was not the father. But that was a lie, Hitoshi's "father" heard about the results and not wanting Shota to win, he made Hitoshi mom lie about the results.

Since they were legally married and the pressure the family put on her, she agreed. Hitoshi was, of course, furious with his mother that he ran out the house and went to Shota. Hitoshi told everything to Shota who sat there in shock and upset that all these years he thought Hitoshi wasn't his. Hizashi, of course, was understanding and was the only one who stopped Hitoshi and Shota from being angry at Hitoshi mom, well at least not too angry.

So Shota and Hitoshi really are father and son, and they couldn't be happier.

"Can you please stop?" Hitoshi pleaded with a small blush. He's still not used to hearing anyone calling Shota his dad.

"Awe, look how cute! Father and son are blushing!" Nermuri gushed. "Babe, leave them alone. They're still not use to it. But it is cute. I'm so happy for you, I always had a feeling you two were father and son. You two are way too alike." Yuu says as she hugs Hitoshi and smiles at Shota.

"What's going on here?" Toshinori asks. "Oh, I'm just bothering the father son combo." Nermuri says with a laugh. "I still can't believe it. But I'm happy. Now you have a wife and son." Toshinori says with a smile.

"Yup, and I couldn't be happier to have an awesome step son like Toshi." Hizashi says with a smile making everyone laugh. "How are you my wife if we're not even engaged, dumbass." Shota says trying not to laugh when Hizashi starts pouting.

"Well hurry up and get married already or me and Yuu will beat you to it." Nermuri says while holding up Yuu's hand showing off her engagement ring.  Shota just smiles and hold Hizashi's hand. He knew one day they will be the next ones to get married but right now, he's happy to have Hizashi by his side.

As they all enjoy the party, Shota notices someone he knew. "Hey Nori, how do you know Enji?" Shota ask as he points to the tall built man.

"Ah, we used to work together years ago. But we both left, I believe he started his own publishing company. Oh and you know his son," Toshinori says as he points to the kid next to Enji. "What? Half and half is his son?" Shota questioned in shock. "You really are bad with names that's Enji Todoroki and his son Shoto Todoroki." Toshinori says with a laugh.

"What's going?" Hizashi ask. "Nothing, I'm just surprised to see my ex here." Shota says leaving both Toshinori and Hizashi shock.

"Wait?! What?!" They both said in unison. Shota couldn't hold his laugh anymore. "Oh my god, I can't believe you both believed me! Idiots, he bought the publishing company I'm in, so he's Nermuri's new boss. I met him a few days ago." Shota explains with a laugh.

"Don't do that Shota! I thought that was the one who broke your heart." Hizashi says as he hits Shota's arm with another pout on his face.

"Nah, if he was that asshole both me and Nermuri would have killed him." Toshinori says with a serious face. "He's long gone now, so don't worry about it. Besides, I don't like huge muscle type guys like him." Shota says as he smiles. "Oh okay...because I was ready to fight." Hizashi says as he starts doing some dumb fighting move making Toshinori and Shota snort out laughing.

As the night started to die down, Hizashi takes Shota outside in the garden area to get some fresh air. They both walked over to a bench and sat down. "How are you holding up? I know crowds aren't really your thing." Hizashi asked as he noticed Shota started getting uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Nori and Nermuri was keeping people from getting too close. And besides, I had you next to me so thanks and sorry—I bet you was bored with me." Shota apologized with a little nervous laugh. "No I'm not. I see almost everyone everyday so it's fine. Besides, I love being with you more than anyone else." Hizashi says with a big smile making Shota smile, too.

They both just sat there, holding hands and looking at Toshinori and Inko dancing and laughing together. "I never thought I would want that—I want that with you Hizashi." Shota says in almost a whisper as his looks at Hizashi. "I know things got bad but I'm glad we made it through it and I'm never letting go. I love you more then anything. Yamada Hizashi, will you marry me?" Shota asked as he gets down on one knee while pulling out a small black box.

Hizashi jumped up in shock, his eyes widened before he begins crying and jumps on Shota. "YES! YES I WILL!" Shota puts the ring on Hizashi's finger and kisses the man he wants to spend the rest of his life with.

"Woohoo! That's right best friend, put a ring on it." Nermuri screamed while waving her drink side to side, spilling it but doesn't care as she continued. Toshinori, Inko, Yuu, Hitoshi and Deku are all cheering and congratulating Shota and Hizashi.

"Guess my dad is marrying my teacher." Hitoshi says with an awkward laugh. "That's a little weird now.."

"Yup, welcome to the step parent who is also my teacher club." Deku says with a small laugh, patting Hitoshi on the back.

They both just laugh at the scene of Toshinori and Nermuri hugging Shota and Shota trying to get out it, begging Hizashi to help who only joined in on the hug.

"I can't wait to see what the future holds for those two." Hitoshi said to himself as he smiles, knowing his uncle—or should I say his dad finally found his other half.

Ahh they are engaged!!!!! Yay!!!! And who would have thought Shota would be the one to ask 😄 Now he has his man and his son!!

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