⇢ Chapter 24.

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Chapter 24.

    A few days had past since the whole disaster happened. Shota had been trying to talk to Hizashi but his calls doesn't go through and he doesn't answer his text either. When he knocks on his door, no one answers. Shota didn't know what else to do. It was quiet and lonely in his house. Hitoshi hasn't been over since it happen, neither.

    Apparently, Deku was really pissed about what happen but he forgave Hitoshi. Nemuri has been calling Shota everyday, checking up on him and of course Yuu was also upset when she found out about the bet, since she didn't know about it, she was furious.

    Shota not knowing what to do, calls Toshinori and he comes over. "Hey Shota, how you doing?" Toshinori asks as he enters Shota house holding a pizza and a case of beer.

    "I feel like shit." Shota mumbles underneath his blanket.

    "Yeah, you look like shit." Toshinori says. They both sat down on the couch as Shota tells Toshinori about everything.

    "I fucked up Nori, I don't know what to do. I really fucked up," Shota mumbles as he tries to hold back his tears.

    "What you did was wrong and horrible. After knowing how Hizashi felt, you should have ended the bet and told him. He has been miserable. Even the students are worry about him. The principal even gave him a few days off, I tried to talk to him but he didn't want to talk to me. I guess us being friends he didn't want me to know." Toshinori explains as he tries to comfort Shota.

"I know. Toshi told me. Apparently that loud mouth kid wants to kill me but I know he can't do anything, anyways." Shota replies with a light laugh.

    "Ah, Bakuago, that's why he been saying he's gonna kill the grinch." Toshinori said like he finally figured out who was the grinch.

    "Do you know where he's at? He hasn't been home and I can't reach him. I really need to talk to him, Nori. Please help me to talk him." Shota pleaded as he grabs Toshinori's arm with tears streaming down his face.

    "I don't know where he's at but I can find out. Don't worry I'll help. I have known you for many years and seen you go through so many relationships, including the one who broke your heart. But, I never seen you this desperate before. You finally found the one you open your heart to." Toshinori says with a smile.

    He has seen Shota in many short lived relationships. Even one that Shota thought was "the one" for it to only end up breaking Shota. He was happy that Shota finally open his heart again to someone but only wished it wasn't this way. As he looks at his friend broken and in tears, Toshinori knew what he had to do. 'Sorry, Shota, for lying to you. I know where Hizashi is and I promise to help both of you.' Toshinori thought to himself has he holds Shota comforting him.

    Meanwhile, Hizashi is laying in unfamiliar bed in a house that isn't his. Laying next to someone he doesn't know. 'What am I doing?' Hizashi thinks to himself as he looks at the black hair guy next to him wishing it was Shota.

Oh my heart!! :'( Damn it I thought writing the smut was hard but this is breaking me :( and who was laying next to Hizashi?! A random person? Or someone we know? ;)

Side Note.. Chapter 25 may take a little longer because I have finals coming up. College life yay :( it's already written but not edited. Sorry!

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