Trust Me, Love

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(Y/n) p.o.v.

I woke up to a small light peaking through the red and black velvet curtains across from the bed. I tried to sit up just to realise that I couldn't move my torso.

I pushed down the covers to reveal two arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I felt a sudden rush of blood to my cheeks. I slowly tried to pull his fingers apart to release his grasp but his hands wouldn't budge.

All I could think about was leaving, but I couldn't do that. There are other vampires out there but this one said he was going to keep me safe.

He's all I have right now but I can't trust him yet. He is a vampire just like the ones that, according to my parents, tried to kill me when I was younger. He could be setting a trap and waiting patiently for his prey, me.

"Love I'm not going to hurt you," spoke a raspy voice from behind me, "I know you have no reason to trust me, and I understand, but if you don't you could be killed."

I rolled over to face the vampire laying beside me, highly underestimating how far away our faces were going to be.

'Oh god our noses are touching' i thought.

I could once again feel heat rising to my cheeks so I did what first came to mind. I lowered my head and let it lay on the vampires chest.

'Oh fuck I'm making this worse'

"What do you mean your making this worse," the vampire questioned.
My head shot up the second he asked that question.

"What," I nearly yelled in his face.
"You are aware that I am still a vampire right," he questioned looking slightly confused.

"Yes I know, but I didn't know that vampires could read thoughts too," I stated as I rolled onto my other side, trying desperately to hide my embarrassment and lack of knowledge on vampires.

"Listen sugar, there is no reason to be embarrassed, you've never had a proper chance to learn about vampires, until now I suppose," I heard the vampire whisper from behind me.

"What's your name," I asked. It was clear that I wasn't leaving anytime soon so I might as well ask. It's kind of important.

"It's Gerard Way," he said casually as he removed his arms from my waist and sat up strait. It was still pretty dark in the room so I couldn't see much. Well vampires don't like sunlight so I guess I will have to learn to like the dark.

"Love, if you want a light on you can tell me y'know," he said as he turned to look at me.

"No, it's fine really," I whispered as I began to sit up myself.

"Are you hungry, you haven't had much to eat within the last few days," Gerard asked in a concerned yet slightly cheery tone.

Has he been following me.
Never mind he's a vampire he probably followed me'

"Thoughts (y/n), I can read them, remember."
"I'm sorry Gerard."

Gerard gave me a slightly amused expression and then it turned to a smirk.

'Oh god, he's gonna kill me isn't he'

"For what," he asked still smirking at me.
"What are you sorry for."
"I-i i d-don't know," I stuttered.

'Why is he looking at me like that'
Gerard moved hand onto my chin and pulled my head up slightly so he could see my face.

"You shouldn't apologise for thinking sugar, you can't help it," he said as his smirk turned into a sweet smile, "If it helps at all, i can stop myself from reading your thoughts, if it makes you uncomfortable."

"Please don't read my thoughts," I asked.
"Ok, if it makes you feel safer I'll stop reading them," he said while smiling down at me.

'His smile was kinda cute
I really hope he really stopped reading my thoughts'

"I'm going to get breakfast, and once again you haven't eaten much, so would you like to join me," Gerard questioned, a huge smile on his face.

"But your a vampire, doesn't that mean you'll be drinking blood or eating people or doing something that I would consider a little, how do I put this, unappetising," I asked trying not to offend him.

"Love, vampires do drink blood, yes, but we can eat normal food, and drink normal drinks," he explained.

"But I thought I couldn't leave because there were other vampires out there."

"I don't want you to leave without me," Gerard said while grabbing my small hands and holding them on the blanket between us, "but your safe when your with me, so let's go have a little fun shall we."

I remembered it was daytime, "but what about the sun, won't that hurt you?"
Gerard leaned in closing the gap between us looked into my eyes.

"I have my ways love, so we might as well have a little fun," Gerard said as he stood up.

He seems sincere enough. Plus I guess it would be kinda cool to hang out with a vampire.

"Might as well," I quietly laughed as he lifted me off of the bed bridal style.
"Hold on tight, this may be a bumpy ride," Gerard added.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he sped out of the small, dark room, taking me to our destination.

Author's Note
Ok guys
I realised that I never specified and age for you. I know that not everyone reading this is the same age but for the sake of this story not seeming really creepy here are the ages.
Gerard is 22 and (y/n) is 18 and is just about to finish high school.
So since Gerard saved you, your not gonna finish high school for part of the story. That would be really boring, so we are going to ignore the fact that (y/n) is still in high school. We can just say that after Gerard saved you, you couldn't go back to school because the other vampires would kill you. That is my reasoning 😂
I hope you enjoyed this chapter because the next one is gonna get really good. It will give you a lot more information about the characters and there will be fluff because fluffy chapters are always really adorable. I also realised that as I write this story, I really want to know a vampire because that would be pretty cool. Also, if you live in the US, happy Thanksgiving. Idk what time it is where you are but it just turned 1 am which means Thanksgiving. Anyways, I'll see you all in the next chapter.
Bye guys.

~Cordelia 🖤❤️🖤

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