When The Doorbell Rings

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(Y/n) pov

We were sat in Gerard and i's small black and red room.

There wasn't much talking.

Clearly they had no idea what to say. I guess it's my turn to get some sort of conversation started.

I hate starting conversations.

"I can't believe that rat tore out every page from 1998," I chuckled.

"Right, he had to have been watching us to figure out our plan. We're gonna have to keep our guards up now," Frank whined in response.

"We do know you can grow wings and large claws though," Mikey whispered.

"Mikey, if this is something for your fanfic, that's cool, but I don't have huge claws or wings."

"Yeah you do," Gerard spoke up, "you grew huge feathered black wings and claws when you thought you were fighting another vampire coven."

"Dude, what if she's part demon or something," Ray jumped up from the carpet, "that would be so cool."

"I'm not a fucking demon Ray."


"I have been telling you for the past hour that i

"But it would be so cool if you were," Frank frowned.

"How do you explain the wings and claws," Mikey questioned.

"I don't know Mikey, but if i was a demon i am sure i would have some weird fire power or some crazy shit like that."

*generic doorbell sound*

"Ew, somethings at the door," Gerard laughed.

"Who in the hell comes here," i smiled.

"It's probably Andy or Bob," Frank smirked, "kinda stupid to ring the doorbell instead of just breaking in though."

"Just ignore it, I'm not done proving that I'm not a dem—-


"They'll go away soon, but you are definitely a demon, you have claws and black feathered wi—-


"Jesus christ they're persistent mother fuckers aren't they," i groaned.

"Can't people take a hint," Ray frowned, "i was even human once and I wasn't that stupid."


"I'm getting the door," i stood up and walked down the stairs.

"This better be fucking important," I snarled and slammed the front door open.

Empty space and squeaks of car tires.

And a large white van.

"Are you fucking serious, there's nobody there," Frank rolled his eyes.

"There was, but they left. I heard tires squeaking on the road and saw a van turn the corner."

"I bet it was a white van with no windows too huh," Frank mocked.

"Conveniently, yes," I laughed.

I closed the front door and twisted the small lock into place.

"You're totally a demon though," Frank laughed.

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