This Means War

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After the story please read the a/n bc it is really important.

Gerard's POV

There was a loud noise.

A very loud noise.

It sounded like a crash.

And a scream.

(y/n)'s scream.

My eyes shot open and i sped downstairs.

A window in the kitchen had been shattered.

Glass covered the tiled floors.

Something was in the house.

"(Y/N)," i screamed, "baby where are you?"


She was in the back room.

I ran to the back room.

The door wouldn't open.

The door was locked.

"Mother fucker," I yelled and ran into the door.

Of course i had a fucking storm door.

"You fucker let her go," I ran into the door again.

"Don't fucking touch me you cunt," i heard (y/n) yell from inside.

"Don't bite me you bitch," i heard a familiar voice yell back at her.


"Biersack, if you hurt her i will fucking kill you," i ran into the door one more time before it collapsed.

(y/n) was on top of Andy, punching him.

Scratching him.

He was bleeding.

"What the fuck i thought you were human," Andy's shrilled screams echoed through the house.

I couldn't believe what i was seeing.

(y/n) was literally hurting Andy.

Really badly too.

I could barely hurt Andy when i last fought him so either he lost a lot of power or she is strong as fuck.

I stood at the door in awe as i watched the Andy Biersack, leader of the vampire coven that tried to killed my family, getting his ass kicked.

"(y/n), i think it's time to stop," i whispered, "if you kill him almost all of the other vampires will come to fight us. There are five of us and thousands of them."

(y/n) stopped hitting Andy and stood up.

"Get the fuck out of my house Biersack," She sneered as Andy slowly rose to his feet once more.

"I'll be back (y/n)," Andy coughed, "I will take you, and you will join us."

"Andy, i just kicked your ass. If your gonna come back maybe train a little harder first," she spoke sternly, "I will show you no mercy. You show up with an army if you want, i will kill you and every single other vampire that comes anywhere near my family. Now get the fuck out of my house you rat."

"You think you're so clever and so strong with your new pow-

Andy was cut off my me.

I grabbed him by the throat and held him against the wall.

"I would highly suggest that you leave my girlfriend and I alone Andy," I growled.

Andy quickly dissipated leaving nothing but silence.

I stood in shock from what i had just witnessed.

I pulled (y/n) into a tight embrace, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay Gerard," she whispered.

She pulled away slowly and grabbed my hands.

"Gerard, do you know him," i heard    (y/n) choke out from beside me.

"Yeah, he leads the coven that killed my family," i whispered sadly, "you seem to have a backstory that i wanna hear."

"Yeah, we used to know each other, but he ended up trying to kill me after we got into a fight about me moving back to Jersey," she sat on the floor and put her head in her hands.

"We were a couple at one point. I don't know why i wanted to be with him. Maybe it was because i had nobody else or because he was the first guy to ever notice my existence, but i didn't know he was a vampire. I wanted to come back here, to Jersey, but he wanted to stay in Cali. I saw the fangs and the red eyes and obviously freaked out, he apologized, I left and came back here. This was all happening at the same time as the BLI situation so i was done with everything," (y/n) explained.

"I know your leaving something out.   (y/n)," i laughed, "Andy wouldn't date a human."

"Well i was human so i don't know what to tell you Gee," she confessed.

"what are you," I asked.

"A vampire Gerard, I'm a vampire," She chuckled.

"You weren't human were you," I glared at her.

"Look, i don't know what you want to hear, but i was an average human girl until you turned me into a vampire. There is no more to the story than that,"(y/n) frowned.

"I trust you with all of my heart (y/n), and i love you very much, but i think you were raised as a human when in reality, you were something else. I think it was kept from you but you were not human before i turned you."

"Gerard, i think i would know if I wasn't human," she laughed.

"Sugar, I don't think you understand how serious this is," I spoke softly as i sat down beside her on the cold tiled floor.

"I don't know if this is some shitty joke or somet"- she was cut off by my next words.

"We need to take a small trip to another part of town," I rested my hands on her thighs, "There is a very old library in an abandoned vampire coven. There has to be something there that will tell is what you were."

"How will you find out what i was. There will be thousands of books in that library and you can't honestly say that you will read every single one to find out what i may or may not have been," she rolled her eyes.

"I won't have to luckily," I smiled, "Andy is a member of the royal family so there is a single book dedicated to his life. Every chapter is a different year."

"So we can find the year that him and i started dating and it will tell us why he chose me," she screamed in excitement.

"Why are you so excited about this," i smiled as i wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

"Because maybe I'll finally understand why everybody hated me," she rested her head on my shoulder, "why i was so different."


I JUST HIT 1K READS WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Seriously i didn't think anybody was going to read this. Thank you guys so much for reading, voting, commenting and following, it honestly means the world to me. The reason i started writing is because i wanted to fin something that i could use to get rid of stress and do the same for you reading. I hope if you have things going in that maybe the 10 minutes you read the new updates you feel like your living in the story. I hope you can read this and feel genuinely happy. I use wattpad for the same things as you. I use the stories as an escape from reality, because honestly, my life in these stories always get better. I hope you guys continue to enjoy this book, and i will see you all later.

Bye guys 🦕

~Cordelia <3

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