Our Last Adventure

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Ray's pov

"I'm going to get some coffee if anybody wants to go," I shouted from downstairs.

I heard many crashed from upstairs before Gerard and (y/n) appeared at the top of the stairs...
In nothing but towels.


"Well put on some clothes first," Frank laughed while Mikey squealed into a small red pillow.

"(Y/n) i thought you were sensitive to that kinda stuff because of, you know," i stated confused.

"We didn't do anything sexual Princess Frofro, we only took a shower," (y/n) smiled down the stairs.

"This is so going in the fanfic," Mikey smiled.

"Do whatever you want Mikey, I'm gonna go get dressed so i can get coffee," (y/n) kissed Gerard on the cheek and walked into their room.

Gerard walked into the bathroom and walked out seconds later fully clothed.

"I still don't understand how you get ready so fast," i laughed.

(Y/n) quickly ran down the stairs as Gerard sat on the couch.

Gerard's pov

"Did i finish before Gerard this time," (y/n) shrieked.

"Nope, I'm right here Sugar."

"How the fuck do you get ready so fast, i was done in less than two minutes," she laughed and laid across the couch, feet on Franks lap and head in mine.

"I don't know, guess I'm just fast," i smiled and poked her nose.

"Did you just boop my nose," (y/n) smiled and scrunched up her face.

She was cute.

Not to mention the blush that was covering her face.

"You're blushing," Mikey screamed and jumped out of the chair across the room.

"Am not."

"Are too."

"You see nothing."

"I see an amazing new chapter in my fanfic," Mikey smiled.

"Calm down children, i am leaving for coffee," Ray spoke as he walked out the door.

"Wait for me," (y/n) yelled and ran out the door.

"You guys comin," I asked, "if you don't, Ray is basically a third wheel and he wont buy you guys coffee."

"Well I'm coming," Mikey stood up and flicked Frank's head, "c'mon Short Shit, we're getting coffee."

"I'm basically already there," Frank smiled, right before he walked into a wall.


"How high are you?"

"5'6, why."

"Right, i guess I've got to carry you then," i whispered to myself.

I picked up Frank and threw him over my shoulder.

"Hey put me down," Frank complained.

"You literally answered my drug question with your height," i laughed, "and ran into a wall, I don't trust you to walk."

"What is taking you guys so long," (y/n) yelled from outside.

"Sorry Sugar, had to carry Frankie out here."

"Why do you have to carry Frank," Mikey laughed.

"He looks high as a fuckin kite," (y/n) smiled.

"That's because he is," i started, "i asked him how high he was and he responded bu saying 5'6 and walked into a wall."

"I'm not thaaaaaat high," Frank frowned.

"The way you're talking begs to differ," Ray laughed.

(Y/n) pov

"If we walk into the coffee shop, Frankie's gonna get arrested," I whined, "we should go to that park that is conveniently placed across the street instead."

"The park," Frank yelled, "i fukin love the park."

"Frank, besides hunting, you don't even go outside," Mikey smiled.

"Do too."

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Do not."

A smug Mikey and a very irrational Frank argued back and forth.

"Throw them in the san box," I whispered to Gerard.

"NO," Mikey yelled as he ran up a small set of blue stairs.

Frank, who was still tossed over Gerard's shoulder, was thrown face first into the small sandbox.

"Ew, fucking sand," Frank whined, "really, now i have to take another shower."

"You need one buddy," Ray laughed, "now somebody push me on the swing."

"I volunteer," i yelled and raced Ray to the swings.

"I won."

"What if i wanted to get here second," Ray smirked as he sat on the swing.

"I guess you want to be a rotten egg then," i snickered.

"I think rotten eggs are very discriminated against," Gerard whispered in my ear causing me to scream.

"Why do you do that so much," i yelled.

"Because you blush and act all cute when you realise it's me" He smiled and snaked his arms around my waist, "so why did you actually want to come here?"

"I just wanted to get my mind off of everything. I'm a weird vampire hybrid that is being hunted by a lot of other things while dealing with mental issues because of my past. I just wanna have some fun because anything could step in and ruin our lives at any time," I let a few tears spill from my eyes before continuing, "I'm just really happy being here with you guys and i want to make the most of it because there are a lot of people that want to take me away from you."

~Authors Note~
•••Foreshadowing •••
~Cordelia <3

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