You Never Know

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Mike's P.O.V-

I don't know what came over me. I just hugged her and told her not to die. I mean come on mike what were you thinking?! After hugging her and saying those... ridiculous words, I ran to meet up with Dustin.

"Hey mike! You ready to go?" Dustin says smiling. Lucas comes out of his house with a cookie in his mouth.  I look at him weird and he just shrugs and says "What? She made cookies!"  I roll my eyes and laugh. I hear a voice inside dustin's house. It was Steve.

"Don't worry Mrs.Henderson i'll have everyone back before 6." He adds with a smile.

Honestly, I never knew what Nancy saw in him. He walks out of the house to meet up with us.

"Ok kids, you ready to go?" He looks at all of us. Including Nancy. I hope they don't make things weird.

"Yup. We're ready." says Dustin smiling. I honestly don't know what's going on between Dustin and Steve. He helped us sooo...

"Ok lemme just get something out of the car real quick." He says. What now ?

Steve opens the trunk and he gets out his bat of nails.

"Steve, we don't need that." Nancy says a bit puzzled.

"You never know Nance, you never know." He says quietly.

I break the tension by saying come on you guys let's go. We don't have much time.

"Yeah hurry up please." Lucas adds.

We all squeeze into his car and we start to head to the police office. Next to Steve is Nancy, and she's holding the bat. Why do we even need it? I mean it's not like anything bad will happen right? The worst is over right? Who am I kidding! Of course it isn't over. It never is.

"Mike. Mike!" Nancy says.

Huh what?! I look around and I see Dustin and Lucas getting out of the car looking at me concerned.

"We're here kiddo." Steve adds.

I get out of the car and walk into the police station and see Hopper walking right toward us.

Here we go....

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