Matter Of Time

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Mike's P.O.V-

I didn't know how to react. So I sat there frozen, paralyzed at Hopper's words. I mean what was the normal way that someone reacts to something like this ? They'd probably be excited or something along those lines but how come I cant react to anything ?

"Kid, you there ? I know this is kinda sudden and surprising but I really need your help." He says with a bit of sentiment in his voice.

Oh yeah sorry. I'm just having a small problem on how the hell I'm supposed to respond to this.

Hopper laughs and says "Guess I should've warned you. Well anyway how do you feel about it ?"

I sigh and say WellI'm not completely shocked. You have been protecting her for the longest time and I know you care about her.

He looked at me confused and said" So what are you saying?"

I look at him and say I guess I'm saying that it was only a matter of time.

He looks at me and says "Was it that obvious ?"

I mean you kept her locked up in this cabin for almost a year to protect her. I'd say it was pretty obvious. I chuckle.

He laughs with me and says" I just don't know how to tell her you know? Like how do I even know that she knows what it is? "

I nod and say I guess we're going to have to explain it to her.

"Yeah I guess we do." He says staring off at the distance.

Hopper, I'm happy that you're going to be her father. You're a good person and even though you kept El from me for a long time, I can't thank you enough for doing so. I say while smiling at him.

He turns around and smiles back. "Kinda thought you weren't going to like the idea of me being her dad."

I shrug and say We both care about her and we both know what she's been through. I guess that's what makes us relate to each other.

He nods and smiles. "Yeah you're right kid." He ruffles my hair after and now i know for a fact that we're gonna get along.

"You know, her birthday is coming up. I want to tell her there."

Her birthday? I say. How'd you find out her birthday?

He smiles and says "I got people."

I stare back at him a bit confused and he smiles.

"By the way, this stays between us ok? I don't want anyone else knowing just yet." He says sternly.

I promise not to tell anyone. I say confidently.

"You sure you can keep that promise? He says hesitantly.

I smile and say Yeah. Trust me, I keep my promises.

We sit in silence for the rest of the car ride until he stops in front of a small house. I see will's car in the front and Joyce walking outside.

"We're here kid. You ready?" He says while getting ready.

Born ready I whisper.

I waited for you ( Mike and Eleven Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now