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I'm so sorry for not updating ! I know i promised that I'd update sooner and i feel shame :(( but ! I will try to update every week because you guys deserve it 💛 JUST REMIND MEEEE hope you guys enjoy this chapter bye !!!💘

August 6, 1981

"She's powerful, way too powerful. We can't contain her Doctor. What are we supposed to do ?"

I take a deep breath and try to reassure everyone that everything will be fine, but why does my gut keep telling me i'm not ?

"Doctor, what happens when she lashes out on us ?"My colleague lowers down his voice and looks at me with worried eyes. "She could kill us if she gets angry enough."

I turn my head to look at him and take a moment to process what just came out of his mouth. No, that's impossible. How could she possibly hurt anyone ? That just isn't who she is.

I sigh and look at my colleague, Doctor Richards. Mark, I have this under control. Don't you worry about a thing. I smile at him hoping his expression of pain and worry would fade, but alas it didn't.

I walk away from Dr.Richards and head to my office. I sit down and look out the window. She'll do this, I believe in her. I think to myself. A knock at my door interrupts my thoughts.

"Who is it ?" I say
"It's me Doctor. Ann." She responds in a worried voice. I'm betting she dMe here to talk about her.

Come on in Ann. She opens the door and sits on one of the chairs. "Doctor I come to talk to you about-"

"Her?" I respond. She looks out the window and nods.

I sigh and tell her in the calmest way possible " Ann, everything will be ok. You don't need to worry. Don't believe everything you hear. She's not capable of hurting us."

She looks at me hoping and trying to believe my words but I knew she wasn't going to be convinced. Then she looks at me with extremely scared eyes and that starts to really worry me.

"Ann, do you know something I don't ?" I say hoping that she doesn't answer that question with a yes.

She looks out the window again and sadly nods.

"Doctor Brenner, Elizabeth is growing stronger by the day and she's getting gaining more powers than we thought possible. If she finds Jane, we're done for."

I sigh and tell Ann,

You will make sure she never knows that Eleven exists or I will kill you myself. Do you understand Ann ?

I hear her breath shake and I see her body trembling in fear. " Yes doctor."

"Good. Now go." I say coldly.

Ann leaves and i'm left with my own thoughts.

"I trusted you Brenner ! And you're using my DAUGHTER... our daughter ?"

I shake off the pain and go on with my day. I'm sorry Terry. It's for the best, I promise you, it's for the best.

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