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My foot is much better even if it's been only two days since I twisted my ankle. I woke up in my bed, with my shirt on and my pants on a chair. I can't remember much after Ruby bandaged my ankle so I guess she was the one who brought me here. I had no recollection of how I got back to my room, no matter how hard I try to remember the only thing that comes to my mind are her delicate hands tightening the bandage and then rubbing my head... Why would she rub my head? I don't know why I can't stop thinking about her hands and her soft fingers sliding over my body. I guess I dreamt it, but it was so real... whatever she gave me to drink worked great but it causes the weirdest hallucinations.

I haven't seen her in all this time since I've been staying in my room resting with my foot up, but tonight there's a birthday dinner in honour of a count who turns 60 tomorrow and I can't miss it: my absence would be remarked. However if I go, even if I'm just sitting in a corner, nobody will mention it. The secret to not attract attention is to keep a low profile while doing the same things other Court damsels do, but in a more discreet way. If it were up to me, I'd stay in my bedroom reading; tonight promises to be more of the same: eating and drinking till the King passes out. How fun!

I put on a simple dark blue dress and I do my hair in a sober and classic updo before heading to the Great Hall. No jewels tonight, I want to be as discreet as possible. I make my way among the courtiers, greeting them politely but I don't stop to chat, then I walk through the big door and she's there: the sorceress, standing beside the King and the guest of honour, wearing black clothes and keeping her head low as always, avoiding direct gazes from the courtiers. I wonder what she's trying to hide with her attitude; she always looks so... restrained. I don't understand why she hides her face and eyes, it's not that they're something horrible to look at to be honest.

Those fatty bastards next to her are already drunk and the night has barely begun, the Royal Cupbearer will be very busy during this party. At least nobody will notice me as long as I stay here leaning against this column in the back of the room like a wallflower... Oh great! They King is going to give one of his speeches, usually it takes him too long since he stutters gibberish when he's drunk:

- Dear subjects, we're here celebrating the birthday of a good friend of mine, a loyal nobleman that has stayed by my side through the years – "Yes, above all drinking on your binges" I think to myself – So I've decided to reward him for his loyalty... by giving him my niece's hand in marriage. Let's raise our glasses and drink a little toast to the new bride and groom. I hope, my dear Iselen, that you'll comply with your duty and you'll provide me with a lot of male heirs.

All the courtiers turn around to look at me while my uncle stares at me with an evil grin on his face. I wonder what has made him remember me. Is this Ruby's idea? She's still standing in the same place and her hood doesn't let me see her emotions apart from her clenched jaw. Since when does my uncle care about his lack of a male heir? I always thought that he'd end up legitimizing one of his several bastards since his two wives couldn't give him a baby (and they were repudiated for that reason, of course) Well, calm down Iselen, don't worry, everything is going to be all right. I've been getting ready for this moment all my life. I walk gracefully with my head up to the throne and I curtsy to the King keeping my back straight like my mother taught me. I offer my hand to my "fiancé" and he kisses it with his slimy lips. I smile spreads across my face but nobody seems to notice that it's absolutely fake. It's time for me get the hell out of here.

My uncle is not the fool he looks like and he's not always as drunk as he seems. He must have figured that I wouldn't be ready to get married with the old man and he's placed guards at my door to keep an eye on me, as if that's enough to prevent me from escaping. I hid my emergency bag in the stable with Deva long time ago, I don't need anything from this room so I only have to change my clothes: riding breeches, boots and a good coat. Then get out the window, walk to the end of the cornice and come through the window to the room that leads into a different corridor. From here, it only takes five minutes to reach the stable through the backstairs; I can saddle up my mare with my eyes closed, tie up my luggage on her rum and get away from here riding at full speed in the dark.

First I head south to make my pursuers think that I'm going to meet my mother (ha! As if that hyena would be willing to help me) but, right after I get into a forest area, I turn left and head east. Now I have to let Deva find a comfortable pace and ride my horse for hours until I reach the cabin, hidden in the hills about a day's ride away. No one knows of its existence, I found it by chance some years ago while hunting and, since that moment, I've been preparing it to make it comfortable to live in. It took me a long time since I wasn't able to get away from the Court more than one day frequently, and I needed to save money, but now my lovely hut is ready and I can hide there one or two weeks, till my uncle's next binge makes him forget about me. Then I can slip out the kingdom.

When I arrive to the cabin late in the evening I'm exhausted. Too many hours riding since early morning, too much stress, stopping no more than is necessary to eat and stretch my legs. First I take care of my mare in the little stable behind the hut, I dry her sweat with a blanket and then I brush her before giving her food and water. She's my only means of transport and I need her in perfect condition to keep running away. Moreover she's my only friend now and horses are noble animals, if you look after them they'll always be loyal to you. After I make sure that she's comfortable, I grab my bag and walk to the cabin: I look forward to eat something and wash up a little. And the best part is that I can sleep as long as I want since I'm not obligated to get up early anymore.

I open the door and leave my bag on the floor while considering the idea of lighting a fire because the hunt is ice-cold. When I raise my head I see them in the middle of the room, waiting for me, staring at me.


Ruby Rose

And her damned cat Lucifer.


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