chapter three

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Towering over the crib where the adorable bundle lay, little fists curled, soft eyelids gently drawn, tiny, pink lips, as soft as roses slightly parted and breathing even, she smiled. Unable to resist the temptation, her finger slowly rested on his rosy, chubby cheek and caressed it subtly. He slept soundly after she'd breastfed him and gave him a bath. And however difficult it was to put him to sleep, the urge to awake him surged through her but she suppressed it knowing it was selfish of her.

Leaning closer, her nose inhaling the baby perfumes exuding from his clothing, she brushed a kiss on his head as overwhelming affection threatened to burst her heart. She loved him with every breath in her and continued to live solely for him. It was he that had given her purpose, motivation, to go on when her entire world came crumbling down on her, ready to bury and suffocate her beneath it.

Before him she'd been so heartbroken and alone. Suicidal even. She'd starved herself for weeks on end, locked herself away in that dark, stuffy room in her parents estate, ready for death to come claim her. Even when pangs of hunger had filled her, deadly migraines from crying too much attacked her and life slowly slipped away from her bony body as a result of agonizing sorrow, she'd braced herself. Presented herself to death, for it to end her misery.

Then that one fateful day -a time she couldn't tell because she hadn't bothered with the revolving world or those in it, she hadn't cared- her God-sent brother had appeared in her bedroom, where she lay thin and pale, close to the end, and saved her. Saved her and her unborn child. Unknowingly she'd been starving him too, killing him slowly by drowning herself in depression. But the moment she'd discovered his growing presence in her stomach, she'd opted for life again.

Each month of the nine she'd carried her child -although haunted by her pains and distressing echoes of those callous words he'd shuttered her heart into irreparable, microscopic pieces with- had been one of hope and anticipation. Each painfully long day she'd taken with a smile and gathered strength in her heart and all because of her little boy. He'd saved her.

A tear trickled down her cheek. "I love you, Salvatore." She whispered yet smiling.

She hadn't had enough of his cherubic face when the door to the nursery slowly pushed open and a young lady attired in nurse uniform slipped in. Keeping her voice low, she addressed the woman who was yet to tear her gaze from the sleeping baby.

"Miss Debra," when she didn't bother avert her attention from her son, the nurse continued. "Mrs Sylvester needs you in the living room."

The lack of response announced her distaste for the disturbance. Whenever she entered the nursery, Debra camped there for long, uninterrupted hours and the ones allowed into the room knew too well not to bother her. She'd spend an entire day there, only receiving food and beverages to keep her healthy and nourished to breastfeed her boy.

Mrs Sylvester's orders however couldn't be ignored. The woman was horrific and especially to workers. "She said you_"

"This is the last time anyone disrupts my time with my son. Even the pope's invitation isn't reason enough to go against my order. I'm I clear, Anastasia?"

The hard glare and menacing tone made her nod so briskly it was miraculous her head didn't snap. "Yes ma'am. Clear."

With that she returned her attention to her son. "Tell mother I'm busy and lock the door after you."

"Yes, Miss Debra." Anastasia scurried off, leaving the doting mother staring at her son with a dreamy smile.


"You look lovely tonight." He complimented, his gaze raking her black, lace, cocktail dress and gold accessories. She smelt wonderful and he relished the aroma as he pulled out a chair for her.

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