chapter seven

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The woman in the mirror was a complete stranger. All those pearls added atop her black, floor-length dress seemed surreal. The dress itself was a masterpiece. It's top was an off-shoulder, silky material whose bodice clung tightly to her stomach before wounding up in V shape around her waist, giving off an illusion it was a top on it's own. The skirts were made of dark silk cleverly layered with smooth black lace, flowing elegantly around her. Her hair was in a tight bun that made her eyes appear like she was of an Asian descent. They were coated with dark eye-shadow and mascara. Her lipstick was a dark colour of wine.

The woman in the mirror definitely looked nothing like Gabrielle Oliver. This woman exuded intimidation and confidence whilst Gabrielle was just too timid and shy. The mirror woman emanated an aura of power, which Gabrielle knew nothing about and the most ironic part, she passed off for a wealthy woman when in reality, after this whole ordeal, she'd be back to being penniless.

But what did it matter? She might as well live the fantasy for a night. The next time she wore something so exquisite wasn't foreseeable and would never be. Gabrielle was yet to talk to Leon to demand an explanation for everything he was doing. He hadn't picked her calls, only communicating with her through Mr Pascal. If he knew of her financial predicament, maybe then she could have brushed it off as... charity. But the man wasn't aware, no one was and Gabrielle intended to keep it that way. It was her cross to carry, after all she'd committed the financial suicide herself.

And she didn't need to be treated like a charity case. The only reason she hadn't picked her bags, stormed out of the extravagant hotel and to a more affordable one was because her curiosity got the better of her. More than anything she wanted to know why Leon thought of bestowing her so much luxury. There must be something he wanted from her and Gabrielle would play along until she learned what. She'd come to realize Leon was a queer man and in order to avoid drowning in sorrow over her problematic life, Gabrielle would keep herself preoccupied with his shenanigans.

One more time she took in the image before her. Her reflection. It was difficult to believe it was her. Her friend, Rose, had often dolled her up but it had never turned out so... unearthly. She even surprisingly felt as she looked, beautiful and desirable. A knock came from the door and she thought of going to answer it but Gianni, the woman responsible for her outrageous transformation gestured for her to stop. Gianni rushed to the door and yanked it open before stepping aside to allow Mr Pascal step in.

He smiled at her. "You look... ready for the night, Miss Oliver."

She returned his smile, noticing his change of clothes. However he still looked as dapper as earlier. "Yes, Mr Pascal. Please call me Gabrielle or Gabby." The formalities felt misplaced however she tried to adjust.

The chauffeur's smile widened. "Then please call me Josse. Mr Leon delegated me with chauffeuring you to destinations of your choice and providing anything else you might need."

"Thank you. I'm so sorry for the trouble. Leon has quite overdone it all." She apologized sincerely.

Again, Josse brushed her apology off with a kind smile. "If you're ready I should escort you to the venue now. The event is prone to begin soon and while on our way," he fished a neat, white envelope from the breast pocket of his dashing, black dinner jacket. "You ought to read this."

Gabrielle reached for it with shaky hands. Tearing her gaze from the envelope, she set them on Josse. "What is in it?"

His gloved hands placed before him, he shook his head. "I wouldn't know. It was specifically addressed to you. Should we be on our way now?"

What was Leon up to? She searched her mind for ideas but she was lacking. To answer Josse, she nodded once and began making her way towards the door. Josse held it open and she walked out, anxious to settle in the no doubt pricey car, so she could open the envelope.

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