chapter thirty six

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The man sitting across from her, his deep, blue-grey gaze not budging from her was on the extreme end of the scale in comparison to the beat one earlier. The hair despite looking disheveled was a much pleasing sight that complimented his sculpted face and strong jawline, the stubble was shaved and in place of his unsightly clothes was now two thousand dollar, tailored suit that highlighted his taut manly frame. Even the bloodshot eyes were a bit clearer.

There was something unorthodox about him, something novel and pleasant. Even as she noticed that he'd lost a bit of weight, she knew it wasn't that but something else that elicited her to draw closer and embrace him. And then she zeroed in on it, the vulnerability in his orbs that he was trying but failing to barricade. Before when he would stare at her as he was currently doing, shivers of awareness would ricochet from her toes to her chest and she'd squirm with unease under his domineering gaze.

However, tonight, albeit there was fluttering in her stomach when their gaze locked and her heart skittled with anticipation when they both distractedly focused solely on each others lips, she felt the switch in power. Sure enough he still had at least four inches on her and his broad shoulders could seemingly tuck her safely away from the world without too much hassle, but she felt potent from the pleading look in his eyes. Normally she'd want to vanish from under his scrutiny but tonight she felt the need to extend some sort of consolation. Some semblance of assurance.

Painfully tearing her gaze away from his inviting full, firm lips, she fiddled with the ruby ring on her middle finger as it was all she could do to restrain herself from reaching over and mauling the pair like there was no tomorrow. Because there wasn't. She understood this from the perspective of him being with that straight-out-of-a-magazine-cover woman that she felt wasn't willing to release Oscar.

But that didn't matter tonight. For once in her life she was being selfish enough to put herself first and then and take unapologetically what she wanted. And she wanted Oscar Sylvester. The right word was she craved him. He ignited in her an urge that she needed satisfied by his soft yet firm hands as they caressed her body and relieved her off the tension in her lower belly. She yearned for his experienced touch and the mastery of his mouth as he kissed a troubled world away. Her skin ached to be under his bronzed one, their heat seeping from one to the other. Her body wanted him, repercussions be damned.

She wanted to be made love to by another woman's man. But he was hers first. And especially now. Every pore in her body awakened at the prospect of being under him or on top of him or against him in every possible way as she let him take her again and again against every surface. Hard and fast then slow and deep until her bones melted and she couldn't feel her legs. She was going to have him if it killed her.

Her clît throbbed just by looking at him, this time she squirmed not because he bothered her wits but because they seemed to have similar thoughts as his eyes drunk her in like the sweetest, ripest wine he couldn't stop wanting to taste. Had it not been for her black, race bra beneath her black, polka dot, ruffle off shoulder dress that captured her curves nicely before stopping just below her knees, her pointed nipples would be poking right at him.

"Christ, Gabrielle."

"I want you."

His groan coincided with her confession and from the subtle look of surprise on his face, he too couldn't believe she'd become that forward. Throughout their quiet dinner she'd been quite blasé about his stares and enticing maleness with her eyes. She was starting to believe that he hadn't become as vulnerable as she purported but she'd grown bolder. Daresome. 

He was seemingly out of breath when he called her name again. "Gabrielle,"

With calculated movements, she took a final sip from her glass of Perignon before dabbing a napkin at the corner of her mouth. With a deliberate lick of her lower lip, she pushed her chair back and got up on her feet, certain to fleetingly flash him her cleavage. Before she strutted away, she informed with a tone full of promise. "I'll be waiting in the car."

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