chapter eight

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Your vacation in France was coincidental to a couple of events I had been invited to, there. However, with the new development on the fire that occurred at the orphanage, I thought it better to stay behind and handle the matter urgently. About my commitments in France, I hope you'll be kind enough to oversee them for me. Josse Pascal whom hopefully you've already met is my trusted employee and will be aiding you with keeping up with them. It's nothing you cannot do. Matter of fact you are the person in a better place to attend to them. They are inclusive of a few charity affairs and informal dinners with regard to my hotels there. I know you can handle it.

Josse would have handed this note to you while on your way to the charity auction and dinner that would be held by an acquaintance of mine to help contribute for environment conservation. Please do ensure you actively take part by bidding for as many antiques as you can seeing as the goal is to contribute generously. Josse will ensure the safe shipment of whatever you get. Have a wonderful and active vacation.


Gabrielle sighed indignantly. She'd just, under the façade of reading the event's programme, finished reading Leon's note for the umpteenth time in one hour. It was fluttering that Leon thought her profound to delegate his errands to her. She also felt relieved that the fancy treatment he was giving her wasn't due to unscrupulous reasons.

It was only fair that she extended him this favour -it sounded like one in the note- since he too had selflessly decided to come in for the rescue of the children at the home she'd initiated. Honestly, this new side of Leon was quite fascinating. She would be lying if she claimed it didn't draw her further and deeper in whatever it was she felt for him. It was a dangerous road to tread but she couldn't help it, her mind constantly wondering to his striking image as he awkwardly yet adorably interacted with children at the home. She couldn't forget the sincerity in his eyes as he talked about his plans to provide a better home for the orphans. She simply couldn't.

Folding the note nicely, she slipped it into her tiny glittery, black clutch before raising her head to smile at those who occupied the same table as her. For a reason unknown to Gabrielle, they hadn't stopped staring at her since she arrived there. From the moment she walked into the hall, everyone in attendance just seemed to sneak a glance at her before turning to whisper something to another person. At first she thought she'd messed her lipstick or had some wardrobe mishap but on Josse's appreciated reassuring smiles, she'd learnt to ignore it all.

One woman particularly, who looked glamorous in a sleeveless, royal blue dress with the lowest plunge of neckline and shimmery diamonds for jewels wouldn't quit giving her the once over. Chastising herself to not dare squirm, Gabrielle would just flash her a smile before looking away.

This time when Gabrielle smiled at her, she quirked an elegant brow and complimented Gabrielle's attire. "You look fabulous, that dress must have cost you a fortune," she said her voice heavy with accent.

Gabrielle was going to thank her but another woman dressed in a scarlet, silk dress and too much red lipstick and who'd kept murmuring when she thought Gabrielle wasn't looking, beat her to it. "My, of course. What do you expect of Leon mayor's mistress?"

Even for Gabrielle, that was new. So when the table's occupants erupted in shock inspired gasps and inquisitive gazes were sent her way, she almost mentally gave herself one. How the woman had arrived to the conclusion remained unfathomable to Gabrielle. She thought to ask but a man in a tux was already doing it for her.

"Pray tell where that came from, Claire." He asked glaring at the woman.

Claire, the woman in a red dress, huffed. "Are you blind? Isn't it obvious to you she's occupying his seat."  The rest of the four who sat on the table of five, Gabrielle and Josse included whipped their gazes instantly to the reservation name card poised before Gabrielle on the table. Claire wasn't done yet. "And aren't you Josse Pascal?" She eyed his name card with distaste. "His_ what are you?"

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