chapter nineteen

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It was relieving to finally access some kind of shade from the scorching heat of the midday sun. Paying the cab driver, she purposely sauntered up the front steps of the lofty building overlooking the city. The inside, surprisingly, was bustling with activity unlike in the morning when they'd been there with Leon.

With determination, she approached the extensive, lustrous, wooden reception where one of those perfect looking receptionists sat. At seeing her, she beamed predictably.

"May I help you?" Miss Perfect Receptionist asked with measured enthusiasm.

While on the drive there, she'd contemplated her entry into the building. She'd hoped it wouldn't be as difficult since it had been effortless in the morning but no doubt because Leon exuded prominence and could easily charm his way into the cooler lake of fire in hell. She on the other hand was a plain Jane and would have to sweat it without the certainty of desired end results. It was because of that that she'd contemplated ignoring the reception and making a mad dash for the elevator but she had reconsidered, knowing she'd barely make it to the shiny door before security hurled her out.

So, like any other normal human being, she chose the appropriate approach and hoped it wouldn't be so much hustle seeing Gordon. Of course she could have just phoned him but in her hurry to flee a crazed Leon, she'd altogether forgotten her cell.

It still bothered her, how she'd reacted. Years of waiting, hoping, praying the man returned her affections, where had all that gone? As a teenager and even late into her twenties, she'd craved his attention and stayed nights dreaming and conjuring images of his lips moulding against hers. It shocked her that when he'd finally succumbed to her longings, she'd been almost... appalled. It was laughable. Gabrielle Oliver abhorrent of Leon's advances! Charming, gorgeous Leon!

The irritated drumming of nails on wood interrupted her thoughts and she turned to the receptionist, whose beautiful face was now torn between a courteous smile and an impatient scowl. Gabrielle rushed to speak. "Um, I'm here to see Gordon."

Courtesy thrown out the floor-to-ceiling windows in the ground floor of the domineering office structure, the receptionist's -whose name tug read Julia- scowl went full blown. "Mr Marcello?"

Gabby nodded. "Same one."

Dubious eyes trained on Gabrielle, Julia punched a few buttons and pressed the receiver on her studded ear. "Margot, there's a lady here for Mr Marcello, hold on." Blocking the receiver with a perfectly manicured hand, she asked, "name?"

With an uncertain smile, Gabrielle supplied her name.

Julia continued speaking to the Margot person. "Gabrielle Oliver. An appointment?" She listened before replacing the receiver. With a polite yet rueful tone, she said, "I'm sorry. He's not expecting you and he's held up in a three hour meeting."


Julia was fast to cut her off. "That was his assistant and if she can't let you through, I can't let you up. I'm sorry Mademoiselle."

She'd been through so many unrelenting receptions to imagine this one any different. Shoulders droopy with defeat, she nodded solemnly, muttered an inaudible thanks and turned to leave. Alternatively, she'd have to return to the hotel and call Gordon from her phone. Her cause not totally hopeless, she made for the exit.

A familiar, delicious voice halted her in her tracks. "Gabrielle!"

There was that gleeful leap in her chest and a sudden flip on her lower belly as her eyes ascended on him. "Oscar," it was barely a whisper.

He still looked devastatingly delectable, the glances sent his way cementing what an incredible sight he was. And then his lips twitched in the tiniest of smiles causing her bones to turn to molten lava. Suddenly she was back in that elevator, trapped inside with his daunting presence, his deep voice taunting her. The spicy scent of him became pronounced as he did the unthinkable; cupped and caressed her tender mounds.

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