chapter thirty five

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It was around eight thirty, way past the energetic boy's bedtime. Exhausted beyond her wits, Debra crouched to the floor where her son sat giggling at his toys. She wasn't sure what was so exciting about a dinosaur and a toy plane but she wasn't surprised as Salvatore, contrary to his mother, was a very bubbly child and would even afford insects a smile.

She'd put him there with hope that he'd get exhausted and she could then carry him to bed while asleep because knowing him, if he were put to bed against his will, he made as much noise as the police sirens. Herself she was bone tired after having spent the day catching up with her real estate people from Italy, who kept her abreast with matters there. Business was good and propitous even as she run it from her home office in Neuilly Ser Seine, a French neighborhood she'd quickly learnt was secure and far from the prying eyes of Parisians. It was impossible she'd bump into someone that knew her here, therefore successfully protecting her son from people who'd want to harm him or yank him from her custody. And again here, she wasn't any baggage to her brothers who felt the need to constantly nag her to reveal Salvatore's father. They meant well but that was her secret to take to the grave.

She kept assuring herself it was because her brothers would confront him and he'd discover of the boy's existence and want to take him away from Debra. And it was for the similar reasons she'd discreetly left Italy as her mother wouldn't have hesitated to betray them to the Mayors when and if it suited her. But somewhere in the depth of her heart, she'd run without a trace and withheld information about Salvatore's father out of fear. She was mortified out of her wits that even after discovering the truth about the beautiful outcome of those nights of passion, he'd rebuff them.

She couldn't stomach the thought of knowing her son's father wanted nothing to do with them. Partly because it would be unjust for her son to pay for her mistakes and also because she knew his outright rejection would torment her to her dying breath. And so she led a quiet life, away from the harsh realities of it all and dedicated her days to protecting her baby. He was everything she had and her very life.

Suppressing her thoughts, she brought her attention to the little boy who was curled on the floor, fast asleep, his chubby, little fingers still tightly clenched on the green, stuffed animal he'd been playing with. Letting out a sigh of relief, she gathered him in her arms and when he was safely snuggled on her breasts, she rose to her feet and gently deposited him in his bed. She could barely believe he wasn't sleeping in the crib anymore as he'd began protesting to when he turned a year and half.

"Mama... "

An adoring smile came to her face at the sleepy mumble. It was music to Debra's ears and it gladdened her heart to hear it as she put him to bed every night. Most times it was a hassle and problematic because if it were up to the hyperactive little man, he'd never go to bed. But a day of activities and sometimes driving her insane with his mischief, his eyes were prone to droop with a tiredness that he wasn't able to fight. She then, like tonight, would sweep in to put him to rest. Ritually, she sat beside him until satisfied he was sound asleep to pry his small, possessive hands from her night gown and with a loving kiss to his head, she switched off the lights and exited the room. Quietly shutting the door behind her.

With measured, elegant steps she meandered back to the living room, lifting her silky, robe to avoid stepping on it while descending the flight of stairs. Like many nights before, sleep alluded her and she would need the assistance of one or two soothing glasses of wine to lull her into slumber. Making her way to the kitchen, she went for a bottle of Barolo that her Italian associates had gifted her upon their visit and poured the finely red liquid into a glass. First she sighed softly, allowing the faint smell of tar and roses infiltrate her nose before tilting the glass and consuming the first sip.

And then more until she was pouring the second glass. This time when she brought the rim of the glass to her awaiting lips, a distant noise distracted her. When it failed to come again, she returned her undivided attention to her drink. It was then that the distinct sound of breaking glass filled her ears and without thinking she dropped the wine glass on the floor and raced as fast as she'd could upstairs.

"Salvatore!" It was yelled soon as she was standing at his bedroom door, her maternal instinct screaming bloody murder.

Yanking the door open, she quickly switched on the lights, her sweaty fingers trembling than twigs during a tornado. Desperate eyes fell on the bed and the absence of a small body beneath the blue comforter made her heart palpitate in a medically perturbing manner. She called her son's name like a mantra and all the while frantically searching in the bathroom, the closet and even at his preferrencial hiding places in the room when they played hide and seek.

Uncaring of her bare feet she trampled on the shuttered shreds of glass of the full-length windows that poured into the balcony and she walked right through the frame left open. Her now blurry vision could barely register her surroundings as she took the stairwell from the balcony to the yard.

"Please, my baby. Not him please. My darling baby. Please, please." The tears fell like a waterfall as she struggled to find her way back from the driveway where she'd hurried in faith she'd catch up with whoever had abducted Salvatore.

Taking the stairway directly leading to her boy's room, she surveyed about for any indicator of who it might have been and that's when her eyes fell on the dinosaur he loved so much and the sight made her legs give away and she slumped on the floor. Right next to the stuffed animal whose head had been ripped from the body.

She wanted to die.

What kind of animal did this to a child? Weren't they parents to know that the easiest way to kill a mother was to take away their cherished children? Without Salvatore, Debra knew she had nothing because even the business and the properties were all so she could ensure he lacked nothing and would get the finer things in life. Slowly, she could feel her will to live slip further and further away as her head joined the rest of her body on the floor where she curled into a ball, the destoyed stuffed animal hugged to her chest.

The more she thought of him and how scared he would be when he woke up in an unfamiliar place with no one but strangers with I'll intentions, the more she crushed the dinosaur to her chest. She thought of his smile, his giggles just a couple of hours ago, so real in her head. And when he called her mama and his small fist clung tightly to her chest, that strengthened her and she knew she'd do anything to protect him.

She got up from the floor, her wounded feet leaving imprints of blood with the pad of every step. Glass parts cut deeper into her heel but she didn't stop until she accessed her phone from her bedroom where she always left it for a night of bonding with Salvatore.

After dialing a number, she brought the phone to her ear and spoke into it.  "Oscar," She sniffled, pulling herself together. "Someone's taken Salvatore."

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