chapter twelve

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The cool, bubbly champagne went down her throat, subtly calming her nerves. Again, she was stuck in a hall full of airy males and self-absorbed females, all dressed for a royal wedding but by some accident they'd ended up in a resort opening. She had to admit though, one would easily mistake her for one of them. All these classy folk with nothing more in mind than to make business deals and widen their networking range.

And her attire tonight was the sole reason for that. She was adorned in a deep blue, knee-length, sleeved dress with a round neckline and a drapery skirt that went perfectly with the gold necklace on her neck, studs and bracelet. The stylist had left her makeup nude tonight so as not to overshadow the simple yet elegant look. The strap heels already killing her feet were black and sharp, Gabrielle could successfully improvise a murder weapon out of them.

That was if she didn't die first of the stares she was being subjected to. Just like the last time, people sent her lingering stares and regarded her for longer than necessary. The ribbon cutting had already been done, the welcoming speech was out of the way and now the party was in full swing. Herself she stood in a secluded corner and observed her observers from the corner of her eyes. What was wrong with these people and looking at her like she'd grown a third eye?!

"Hello, gorgeous," a deep voice crooned from beside her.

But I thought I was alone. Without sparing the intruder a glance, she gave an acknowledging nod. Certain she'd stutter out of nervousness, she hurried to sip from her glass of champagne, evading a response.

The intruder carried on, undisturbed by her silence. "It's a beautiful event, isn't it? Carlos is quite the hotelier, isn't he?"

It was a nerve-wrecking event with rude people who hadn't the courtesy to look away when she needed them to. And who the hell was Carlos? Sipping one more time, again to avoid talking, she nodded.

Now he chuckled. "You don't talk much, do you?" He sounded amused. "Such a pain. I'd I've loved to hear your voice."

He didn't speak again but he stayed by her side. She nearly forgot he was there until she made to walk a bit to relieve her weight off of the heels when she collided into a hard barrier. There was that chuckle again, this time less restrained. Definitely laughing at her. "You can't see too, I see." He mused, and despite refusing to look up to see his face, she could imagine a stupid smirk on his face.

What was it with men and calling her blind? She stepped back, extracting herself from his arms as he'd snaked them around her waist to save her from falling face first in front of all those sophisticated people. Tipping her head back to now boldly glare at his face, she spat. "I'm not blind!"

"And definitely not dumb either, as I'd been compelled to believe earlier." He said, humour lacing with his sonorous voice.

It only served to fuel her building fury. "Why you_"

His hand in the pocket of the pants of his tux, he sipped gingerly from the flute of champagne in his hands. "Those are beautiful eyes you've got there. Pain they can't see." He commented casually.

Without thinking, she stomped on his foot. Her eyes devoid of remorse for the now wincing man, she ground out. "That should guarantee you that I can see and aim properly." Harrumphing, she stormed away leaving the stranger behind wincing in pain.

At least the shoes proved their worth, Gabrielle thought grinning.


Gordon Marcello, still in unimaginable pain dumped his champagne glass on a tray with a passing waiter and checked around to see if anyone had witnessed that very embarrassing encounter. Satisfied that everyone had been minding their business as were supposed to, he straightened his back and strived to ignore the misery on his big toe. That little minx would pay dearly.

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