chapter four

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It was a wonderful morning, a day away to the France vacation and a step forward to finding love. Perhaps her approach was all misplaced but what could she do? Desperate times called for desperate measures and didn't the end justify the means?

What did it matter if she went out in search of Mr. Right or waited to bump into him in the corner street, drop her purse and together with it all the contents inside, before a slow motion of simultaneous bending to hurriedly collect her belongings saw to the ignition of a indecipherable connection. A spark that would be followed with slow, unassured smiles, exchange of phone numbers and one coffee date later, their walk to happy ever after.

So cliché, she thought as she rolled her eyes. But weren't they all? All those blissful love stories that led to white gowns, suits and the isle -didn't they begin so predictably? But what did she know? Herself she hadn't lived a single experience of such. But she would. Soon...

A not so ladylike huff spewed from her sneering lips. Her negative line of thought was the perfect recipe to a long, bad day and that wasn't what she woke up for. The sun was out and bright, it's sharp rays shooting right through the glass of her vast bedroom's floor-to-ceiling window. Perfect, everything was perfect.

A loud, deafening beat blared through the room and she groaned inwardly at herself, her glare finding the offensive gadget. She'd lost count of the times she'd promised herself to change the horrid ringtone but always found herself not doing it. Whether it was out of procrastination, forgetfulness or being busy all the time, she couldn't tell but that was one thing she couldn't bring herself to get done. So menial a task, yet_

The phone screamed for the third ring and she begrudgingly snatched it from the nightstand. "Helena." She acknowledged, her heart frantic for some reason.

Not long after listening to Helena, her eyes widened like saucers as she scrammed off the bed. Dashing for the walk-in closet, she barked into the phone. "Okay, I'm on my way. Just keep them safe. Call the ambulance, the firemen, the cops_ darn it just make sure no one gets hurt. I'll be there in no time." 

True to her words, within record time, she'd changed into decent clothes from her nightie and driven in maddening speed to her destination. Pulling up itself proved to be too much work that she almost left the car ignited- good thing she didn't. Slamming the car door shut, she raced up the opening where adults worked to calmly protect the young ones. Heart hammering terribly, her gaze scanned about for someone.

And she saw them. "Helena!" She called, impatiently sprinting towards the woman.

Helena let out a heave of relief at the sight of her and balanced the little boy she was carrying on her hip. "Miss Oliver!" She breathed. "You're wonderful to be here already. We_"

Shaking her head, Miss Oliver interrupted, her tone panicky. "Did everyone get out? anyone..." her eyelids squeezed shut, angst engulfing her wholly at the imagery of an innocent child trapped in the angry embers, screams of horror...

"No!" Was Helena's startling answer. She half-smiled. "Everyone is perfect. The children are all in the tents the workers have set up by the opening of the field. Luckily, it's daytime, we'll be able to get by before nightfall and," she hesitated.

The other woman's pulse quickened, eyes bulging out as she braved the building nausea. "And?" There it was, the last straw. If one of the babies, or Lord... a worker got caught_

Someone squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Please don't look so petrified. It's good news actually." It was said with a warm smile.

If nobody fell victim of the fire and it had been successfully put out, what more good news was there? Was there limit to that morning's luck. "Yes, Helena. What is it?" She queried reaching for the boy in Helena's custody.

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