chapter twenty nine

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So much had occurred in such short time at times it made her head spin in an attempt to
keep up. Life in France had been quite eventful and although not all good events, some
were celebrate-worthy. Such were moments like this, as she stood among incredible people
that had all sorts of sweet things to gush about her.

She’d long since finished and published her book having had all the time in the world to
concentrate on her authoring. Also, in a futile attempt to forget some memories she had dedicated her all in the book. She would be of course dragged back to a few months back, in
the bed of one Adonis whose whisper-like caresses, ghostly kisses and tender touches
seemed to inspire her male protagonist.

It was nostalgic moments like those that would make her quiver with a powerful need to go looking for him. Thoughts of what could have been drowned her in endless ‘what ifs’ and it
took all her willpower to douse the desire to return to him.

Again, it was not to be said that
she hadn’t wronged him and so she would shake those thoughts off not wanting to dwell so
much on those of him having replaced her already.

But she would think of him incessantly as she poured that one passionate night in her
writing, the lovers in her book a product of everything Oscar had lovingly and gently schooled her. Chapter after chapter, she would describe that night and create more she imagined would have occurred had she had the backbone to stay.

The colour of her cheeks resembled that of the glass of wine in her hand as heat flamed her skin. He did that to her, the dang devil. She didn’t seem to have reigns over when her mind
chose to remember that night. Remember him. It took place anywhere and anytime that she
was beginning to think she was just sex starved. Sending herself a mental note of thanks for
wearing a floor-length dress with wide skirts, she pulled her heel-clad legs together and squeezed her thighs.

Someone cleared their voice behind her, startling her. She needn’t confirmation to know
who it was. “Rose!” She attempted a chastising voice and a stern look.

The woman giggled and wiggled her perfectly plucked eyebrows suggestively. “Maybe you
should take someone home tonight.”

She frowned, befuddled. “What do you mean?”

Rose seemed to study her for a while before she snorted. "A man, Gabrielle. You need to
take a man home tonight.”

The deep scowl vanished to be replaced by a flustered face. Her eyes travelled around them
as she confirmed that no one had heard her friend’s bold statement. “You are out of your mind. Why would you suggest something so, so_?

“Helpful?” She supplied nonchalantly as she brought the flute in her hand to her lips and sipped the bubbly drink gingerly.

After taking a small sip of her own, Gabrielle spoke softly. "I was going to say ridiculous."

Eyes trained on a mortified Gabrielle, she went on. “All these
people don’t know you like I do and I’ve been watching you Gabby. You are sad and
withdrawn," with her free hand she reached out for the other woman’s hand. “You are
launching a book that’s totally different from what people are used to and do you know
what that means?”

Gabrielle eyed her sceptically before giving a hesitant shake of her head.

“That you came out of your safe and familiar territories. You sailed into deep and
unpredictable waters. Gabby you are the most reserved person I know and you writing
something so exquisitely explicit and actually letting a movie be made out of it is wonderful
and you are well out of your comfort zone.“ She breathed.

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