chapter thirty

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Erica Hamilton drew in a breath as the night air swirled around her. Standing at the balcony of the penthouse she admired the city lights and a few landmarks that peeked above the city. And with the rosè she gingerly sipped in her hand, she knew it was a splendid night.

Her tongue darted out slowly and wetted her lower lip as a chill travelled up her body reminding her of her state of almost undress. The red lingerie underneath the silky robe that flowed to the marble floor brought a smile to her face. The highlight of the night was his hands removing every article of clothing from her body or better yet, ripping them out.

The thought left her shuddering with profuse anticipation. It didn't matter that he'd seemed off earlier at the book launch and filming debut. Instinct told her that woman Gabrielle had something to do with it. She could still remember how he'd stiffened beside her when André had introduced her and it hadn't escaped her notice that he hadn't attempted to touch her again the rest of the night.

As soon as that woman had dispersed to mingle with her guests he'd escorted Erica from the party and had his chauffeur return her to her penthouse suite. Erica was no fool and knew he was ridding himself off her but had kept her wits about her as he hadn't returned to the party himself. Instead, he'd hailed a cab and it had immediately taken off.

Now as she waited she assured herself that nothing between them would change. That seeing that woman again didn't mean that Erica wasn't his woman anymore because she was and they were meant to be. It had been a grave mistake to choose her career over him those many years ago but she was just so young and again she would make amends.

Tonight they would make love like many nights before and everything would be excellent with them. Oscar Sylvester was hers and anything or anyone that tried to put them asunder would face her wrath. Especially that Gabrielle who didn't hold a candle to Erica. She was more Oscar's type with her slender curves and classic features not to mention sophisticated. Unlike that plump, short thing with cheeks chubbier than a baby's.

Walking back into the penthouse through the balcony door she observed the time from the wall clock. 10:23 p.m. They'd parted ways around eight o'clock which meant she'd been waiting two hours. She was never one for patience but for Oscar she'd await the Kingdom to come.

"Where are you, Oscar?" She mumbled into the dimly lit room her hands itching to pick up the phone and call him. Giving in to the temptation, she grabbed her phone and dialed him but it went to voicemail. Trying a couple more times with unchanging results she tossed the phone to the bed angrily. "You went to that whore, didn't you?"

Quickly she shred the robe off and changed into a animal print, bodycon dress and ankle boots before taking the private elevator to the ground floor of the hotel and to the front where she aggressively barked for the valet to get her car.

If he had gone to that woman, she decided with a malicious glint in her eyes, she was dubious about not running her over.

"Gabrielle!" Oscar bellowed barely capable of standing on his own. Security wouldn't allow him past the gate let alone the mansion where the party continued. "Gabrielle!" He yelled drunkenly.

A mean-looking, suit-clad man squinted his eyes at the oblivious drunk warningly. "You better get out of here while you can still walk, sir."

His colleague on the other side of the iron gates was more calm about it. "Listen, why don't you go sleep it off then come see the lady tomorrow."

Deaf to the men's words he staggered towards the gate causing the mean-looking guy to draw out his gun. "I said, scrum or I'll empty this baby in your kneecaps."

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