chapter five

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What did she care if she'd hurt his feelings? She snorted at the thought -the man clearly had none. But Gabrielle wasn't the type to trample on another regardless of their nature. Leon's was mystical at times, quietly withdrawn and deeply in contemplation. The rest of the time he was a smugly, self-assured, arrogant, overconfident, egotistical, chauvinistic...

She fluttered her eyes shut and drew a deep, long breath, gathering her wits about her. She couldn't comprehend why she'd snapped like that as she'd never been temperamental but still, she'd almost bitten Leon's head off and unjustifiably. For heaven's sake he'd come to the children's aid and so soon after the incident. Most of the donations -and especially the hefty ones- came after weeks of receiving much appreciated and helpful charities, this was while the generous donors bound their time to outdo each other.

Perhaps she'd been too aggressive but Gabrielle knew how those people could be. It was very few of them that truly, honourably, desired to come to the rescue of the little angels in her foundation and the world at large. But Leon, despite his haughty attitude, he wouldn't be so callous as to use helpless children as leverage would he? He would, certainly. Their conversation regarding his intention to build a bigger and better home for the children as a networking field for corporate zombies' hadn't been erased in Gabby's mind. How opportunistic!

"They've really helped, it's barely afternoon and we're progressing beautifully." Helena gushed beside Gabrielle causing her to roll her eyes.

The woman hadn't taken her eyes of their benefactors and Gabrielle wasn't quite certain the woman was complimenting their selflessness or the men themselves. Candidly, they were quite a sight. Father and son, both well-built, tall and painfully good-looking. Archibald, at a whooping fifty six, still looked extremely young and vibrant. Gabrielle smiled at his kindness. She'd always remember those days when he'd welcomed her to his family with open arms, the abundance of his fatherly love overwhelming. And then there was their love for good food and she found herself stifling a giggle, reminiscing on their competitions on who could clear the table faster and how he'd always let her win. He was a true father.

Tilting her head, she caught him handing a little girl over to his son. The giggle she'd been fighting erupted involuntarily as Leon shivered visibly at the prospect of holding a toddler. Archibald kissed her forehead and she giggled before trying to deposit her to Leon again. The man barely had time to resist before his father gently dumped the child in a wary Leon's hands.

Unable to tear her gaze away from the man who tried hard to smile at the little girl who was studying the stranger curiously, she missed Archibald's wave to go over. She only saw him when Helena elbowed her and hard.

Turning to the other woman, Gabrielle growled at her sheepish smile. "Alright," she sighed suppressing a smile. "I'll introduce you. Come on."

Helena all but sprinted towards where Archibald was, shrieking with excitement. "About time!" She enthused.

Joining Helena in her sprint, Gabby only stopped right before Archibald who was already opening his arms for his foster daughter. However, before Gabrielle could arrive and step in for an embrace, Helena was already burying herself into a bewildered Archibald's chest. It took all of Gabrielle's willpower not to roll on the ground, laughing her ribs out.

She wiggled her brows suggestively at Archibald who had his wide eyes trained on Gabrielle while his large arms awkwardly patted Helena's back.  Stifling laughter, she watched as the short, voluptuous woman snuggled into Archibald who was now clearing his throat hysterically.

It was Gabrielle's time to step in for a rescue mission. Still finding it difficult to contain her laughter, she pried Helena from a thoroughly squeezed Archibald. "Helena, it's my turn now. Come on."

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