chapter seventeen

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She hadn't grown up around a lot of men, having been brought up by her grandmother and mother who had died way before they'd taught her how to deal with the opposite sex. It won't be until years later when Leon and Archibald Mayor entered her life and truth be told, she'd still been too young to understand a thing about men.

Now, surrounded by three self-assured, sinfully handsome, macho men, she couldn't comprehend the first thing on how to handle herself. She was all too aware of the piercing eyes trained on her. She chewed on her lower lip, her hands toying with the handles of her purse lamely.

It wasn't how she ought to have been carrying herself, she was certain. But she couldn't help it. Not with their gazes recording her every move. Vaguely knowledgeable of the reason Leon had actually brought her there, her discomfort intensified.

The sound of the slamming door filled her ears and she felt movement as the men standing on the threshold maneuvered further into the vast office. From her peripheral vision, she caught a glimpse of Gordon assuming his chair, across from her and Leon while Oscar shuffled towards the bar.

Gabrielle was surprised to find him there and therefore disregarded the thrumming of her heart at his sight as mere shock. The fact that he seemed to be at ease with Gordon was even more perplexing since she hadn't even anticipated their acquaintance.

It was his movements that she followed. He wasn't the most handsome of them all, those honours went to Gordon and he wasn't the most charming, that was Leon. But she couldn't help not admire him. There was something mysterious and reserved about him. The confident aura that emanated from him and the sense of maturity in which he conducted himself made him more attractive to Gabrielle, more than his counterparts. He moved fluidly as he poured whiskey for the men and a wine for Gabrielle. It was still too early to drink but she'd never been one to shy away from a good drink.

With a shaky hand, she accepted the wine glass from Oscar, whose eyes were trained on her. The brief exchange however subtle brought to contact their fingers and a jolt of heat shot through her hand and into the rest of her body. She felt his gaze on her even after tearing hers away and totally refused to indulge him again.

Relief washed over her when Gordon spoke. "I'm glad you're here." She could feel his eyes on her. "I had an important meeting this morning and had planned to come get you as soon as it was over."

She didn't know how to respond to that. It wasn't like he owed her anything and why would he go to her? Maybe they were friends but that didn't call for his constant visitations and a need to explain things to her, especially when they'd just met. He was a busy man and Gabrielle didn't humour herself thinking such kind of a man -good-looking, wealthy and with women at his disposal- would give her the time of the day.

A voice intruded her thoughts. "Well, I made it easier for you and brought the mountain to Mohammed." There was something edgy about his tone and Gabrielle wondered why he was so irked. Wasn't he who had been blatantly rude and dismissive that morning? "You are to discuss that business you claimed to want with her and we're off."

"I wouldn't have thought you would catch that while out." Gordon's tone was plain but taunting.

Leon clenched his fist but continued to sip his whiskey nonchalantly. "We're all busy men," Gabrielle saw him briefly glance at Oscar. "So get to it."

There was a moment's silence before Gordon broke it again. "That I will. But I don't think we need a moderator." It was tetchy.

Gabrielle didn't know the first thing about what Gordon had in mind with regards to this business thing and couldn't understand Leon's involvement. Since he'd brought her there without so much as consulting her, then he must have had an interest in the matter. Of course she was irate for the manner in which he had treated her that morning and albeit she kept calm, the last thing she wanted was to deal with him. During their ride to Gordon's, she'd made up her mind to avoid him at all cost. Even if she had to leave his hotel.

"No, she doesn't." Leon agreed breaking her reverie. "But I'm to be her benefactor in this."

Another reason she had to go on her business without his help; she couldn't b dependent on him financially. That wasn't how Gabrielle worked and however afraid she was to tread alone, it wouldn't do to be supported all her life and by a man whose intentions she was beginning to question. For Pete's sake he didn't need to go around telling everyone. He'd said it to Gordon before and had repeated it in Oscar's presence. The next thing she knew he'd be airing it on TV.

Gabrielle was no charity case. As if reading her mind, Oscar spoke for the first time. "Don't discuss Gabrielle like she's not here. If there's some sort of business to conduct, involve her in it and if she needs financial push," he was the only one she could look at as he spoke, for unknown reasons and she watched him swallow the last bit of his whiskey before depositing the glass back on the bar counter in Gordon's office. When he turned again, his gaze held hers. "How about you try the bank. They keep confidences." And he walked out.


The wind blew her long, blonde hair so that it whipped her face and frayed behind her. She wore a white, chiffon blouse, tucked in a high-waist, knee-length, leather, pencil skirt. Her long legs were in black stilettos.

Gracefully, she glided down the stairwell of the jet and onto the ground before cat-walking to the awaiting black Rolls Royce where a statuesque woman clad in a blue skirt suit and red heels stood, her smile brighter than the sun.

Once they were within talking distance, the lady in blue extended her hand to the other woman. "Welcome to Paris, ma'am."

The other woman smiled tightly. "The last place I want to be. How's he?"

"Busy. He just bought shares in Marcello wines." The lady in blue said.

The other woman chuckled. "Old news, Linda." She slipped into the backseat as the uniformed chauffeur held the door open. Once Linda settled next to her, she said. "Tell me something I don't know."

Linda supplied. "There haven't been new events with regards to him."

The woman hummed as the chauffeur ignited the car and drove off. "He hasn't tried to see that woman, has he?"

With a shake of her head, Linda said, "I made sure of it. That charity auction was the last they saw of each other. He'd wanted to personally deliver that dresser he'd bought her but I put Gordon up to it and convinced him it was his friend's idea and he bought it because he's interested in the woman. The resort opening a few days ago, I thrust a meeting into his schedule that rhymed with the opening."

The other woman seemed pleased enough. "She has nothing, you said?"

With a smirk, Linda answered. "That fire sufficed. She blissfully gave her money for the betterment of those poor, little ones."

"Good." She said with a smile. "No one touches him." The smile faded and a lethal mask of menace settled on her beautiful face. "He's mine."


Happy new year!!!!!!

And I'm sorry for the late update but here we go. A wild guess who this woman is and who this "he" is?

Leave me a comment and please vote.


XOXO, chocolatetheflavour

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