chapter twenty one

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There wasn't justice in beautiful as a way of describing the evening. The sun was just beginning to fade, it's circle more red than yellow. City lights could be detected partially but they were yet to be conspicuous, as it was yet to be dark. It was quiet around, the two of them being the only occupants of the extensive balcony overlooking the city.

From there, the Eiffel tower could be easily glimpsed, although the balcony faced a serene side devoid of bustling streets. They were in one of the top notch restaurants with dazzlingly smiling attendants, serving haute cuisines and fine wine. The ideal date for Gabrielle Oliver.

Despite this, something held her back from truly enjoying herself. Even her renowned appetite seemed to have taken a bow, refusing to perform the night. It wasn't that she wasn't excited. In fact, she was ecstatic, delirious over dining and wining with him. Oscar Sylvester.

Still, apart from forking her food and practically making toys out of it, she hadn't tasted it. Or the wine, which, in her record, was utterly disturbing. There was something holding her back tonight, something she couldn't quite place a finger on.

At first she'd assumed it to be nerves, but had long ruled the thought out seeing as she was tranquil enough. Then, the thought of what had transpired earlier with Leon had bombarded her mind but she'd been able to get over it. Of course she could scarcely believe she hadn't jumped at the opportunity to go to bed with the man, having harboured feelings for him for longer than she cared to admit. But she hadn't and she'd later marvelled at how incredulous the thought of her and Leon together, that way, sounded to her.

No she didn't automatically despise him, true, she wouldn't mind clobbering him for pulling that stunt on her but she cared for him. Immensely. They'd known each other for far too long to recognize his moods and off recent, she sensed he was troubled. It was vague but she saw it, the unrest in his eyes and there wasn't denying that whatever was eating at him was major.

Now that she recalled, he was actually hallucinatory, if whatever he'd mumbled in his unconsciousness was anything to go by. He'd rambled a variety of incoherent words but Gabrielle had caught the most intriguing; son. She'd made attempts at comprehending the meaning of it all but it all proved futile. Was he having problems with his father? Gabrielle thought it unlikely as the two had the most fascinating father-son relationship. Perhaps he wanted one, or was having one. With his string of mistresses, it wouldn't be surprising if he already had one. But knowing Leon, despite being a certified brute, he wouldn't hesitate to claim his son, announce to the world he was a father. And since he was yet to, Gabrielle overruled the idea.

"Is something wrong with your food?" The voice rang in her ears, startling her.

Her eyes snapped to meet the sterling dark blue ones. Her breath hitched and the cause of her discomfort and distress became clear. He was too perfect, he made her feel awfully unworthy.

It wasn't Leon's issues or anything, it was him. Oscar, the man himself. As she mustered his perfect features, the beguiling, unreadable eyes, the marvelous sculpture of his angular, chiseled jaws, the firm yet sensuous lips, his tanned skin and impressive, muscular physique, it all dawned on her like an explosion, he was exquisitely perfect, there wasn't impressing him.

She knew he'd abhor her eating habits if she dared do it. And while he had gone and changed into a dashing black suit, a white shirt, open chest with no tie and looked every inch breathtakingly gorgeous, she was aware of the dull, grey suit she'd worn in the morning. It was relieving that they were dining in a lone balcony, lest she embarrassed them both. Since he'd asked her on a date, no, to dine with him around midday, she'd hang around and discussed her agreement to Gordon's deal with him, and even toured around the building, exploring the different departments. She'd fallen in love with marketing, everyone had been so lovely, accommodating and animated. That, and that she was avoiding Leon had barred her from returning to the hotel to freshen up.

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