chapter thirty three

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The way he stared at her, his eyes following her every move as if she were some sort of muse made Linda's intestines churn with irritation. She failed to comprehend the man's obsession with the woman. Gabrielle had to be the plainest woman to have ever walked on earth with her brown hair and brown eyes. Not to mention her refusal to shed at least a pound so that her hips weren't setting the skirts of that wine-colored dress like an umbrella and her bust wasn't constricting it's fabric so that all the men couldn't look away.

Now Linda didn't think she was the epitome of beauty but she was attractive and had had her own share of attention from the opposite sex. Men from all walks of life -wealthy men, famous men- had proposed a union with her but she'd shunned them all because her heart had beat for another. One that seemed to look at her but never really see her as he pinned on a woman so unworthy of a fraction of his affection.

When Gabrielle had first entered his life, Linda had had to watch Oscar's walls -the ones that had her believe she stood no chance with him- slowly crumble as he developed feelings for her. But then she'd vanished as fast as she'd arrived and Linda's hope had bloomed again and her affection for Oscar intensified especially after he'd picked her as his PA and proposed going with him to France as he ventured into the wine business. An opportunity she had jumped at with a renewed will to be with him.

Only that Gabrielle had resurfaced and this time even managed to become his woman and Linda's heart had broken to a million pieces seeing them so happy and she'd known if she couldn't directly intervene, someone else would. And so she'd contacted Erica, Oscar's first love and obsession in his youth. And when Gabrielle took a French leave again, Linda had been elated because Erica was so vain and superficial that there wasn't any real competition whatsoever. And with time, Oscar would see her.

Gabrielle however was like a snake always slithering from whatever hole and back to the surface where some bad luck would ensure Oscar would see her. Like now. He wouldn't take his gaze off her, even with Erica at his side and her hawk-like claws digging into him possessively. He even trailed her as she maneuvered around mingling with her guest with that dark gaze of pure jealousy as a man introduced as André who'd bought Gabrielle's book movie rights chatted with her, his hand on the small of her back.

Unable to bare it anymore, Linda had excused herself and left their group where they stood since arrival and approached the bar situated somewhere in the ballroom. She was going to need something strong to get through the night without clawing anyone's eyes out.

Soon as she reached the bar and ordered a martini, a familiar scent struck her nostrils before the man spoke in a deep undertone. "Rough night, huh?"

It was Gordon Marcello, the owner of the winery and Oscar's partner. Another victim to Gabrielle's charms which left Linda wondering what exactly that woman had to ensnare these gorgeous men. She looked at him, observing his sparkling light blue eyes. He had to be hurting to see her again, yet, as always, this man was a ball of good vibes, smiling down at her like summer.

She looked away, suddenly blushing at his closeness. Instead she focused on the yellow peel of orange garnishing her martini. "It's alright." She said in a clipped tone, not trusting herself to not blabber.

When he nodded and turned to the barman to order a scotch she assumed he was done with her and she dedicated her attention to her cocktail. But she was wrong, his presence loomed over her and his voice followed.

"Forget him, if you ever want some semblance of happiness in your life."

It caught her attention and she turned to face him as he swallowed his drink, his Adam's apple bobbing interestingly. To distract herself, she answered with a scoff. "You are a fine one to talk."

He chuckled, his pink lips wet from his earlier sip. Why was she so keen on details tonight? That question remained unanswered because he interrupted her thought process. "No, I'm not. Just like you I'm taken to a butterfly that only wants to fly away from me." This time his smile wavered albeit not entirely. "But the difference with you and me is that, I let my butterfly go because hanging on to it would break it's wings. But you, you hung on yours."

Was she obsessed with Oscar? Of course she was. Half a decade of dedicating herself to him, trailing him and even taking him to bed with her in her dreams were proof of it. She hadn't seen the danger of it all as she pushed his PA down a flight of stairs just to have a place next to him. And although that woman had survived the fall, she'd been crippled and in that moment Linda realized exactly how close to the brink of utter insanity she was.

Maybe she'd never be discovered and she would get away with it but now that she paid thought to it, remorse and guilt were going to kill her. Martini abandoned, she hurriedly excused herself. "I have to go."

Two things happened that night and it was all thanks to Gordon. First, she realized how deeply lost in the dark she was and her journey back to light though difficult began. And second, she'd slept with Gordon as he had followed her and offered to drive her to her apartment. Maybe it was out of broken hearts for both of them, or they were rebounding. But either way, that night repeated itself every other night the past three nights.

"There she is again?"

It jerked her from her stupor and she blinked at the bronzed, taut chest hovering above her. Raising her neck, her eyes met his in confusion. "Huh? Who?"

His pouty lips moved to press a kiss on her temple. "That lady who keeps wandering off. I'm beginning to think I'm a bore."

Was he crazy? He was the most animated human being she'd ever met. When he wasn't making her laugh on silly jokes, he was reminiscing his childhood and college life or chatting her up passionately about the winery and the business of wine. If not that, he was nestled between her thighs pouring out his passion.

Entangling her fingers in his hair, she pulled his head down for a sensuous kiss that neither broke for a long time. "You have no idea how much you bore me." She grinned at his scowl, her hand dragging his to her apex, assured he'd feel the moisture there. "You feel that," she teased, her teeth grazing his lip. "I'm. Very. Bored."

In one swift movement, he swept her body under him and entered her. "Then," he kissed her briefly yet it brought tingles all over her skin. "Let's," he peppered a kiss on her neck. "Stir up," then her collarbone. "Some excitement," his tongue licked the valley of her breasts before sucking a hardened nipple into his mouth for a prolonged minute. "In," he repeated with the lone nipple as he simultaneously pulled out to her entrance. "Here." With a force he thrust back in, evoking a gasp and moan from her parted lips.

She didn't know what she was doing and what he thought he was doing but it all felt dang good and she'd let it happen for as long as possible.

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