Chapter 2

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He sat down and I put my earbuds back in. I guess he heard the song I was listening too cause he started tapping his foot and patting his lap along with the rythim. When the song ended the plane started off into the air. I took my earbuds out (because the flight attendent instructed us to) and turned off my IPod. I also took them out to get a chance to talk with Louis. 

About a minute later he looked at me and asked "So, um--," I cut him off there, "Hannah," I informed him, "So, Hannah, what brings you to America?"

"Oh well, not much, Me and my friend just wanted a change in scenery I guess. What brings you?"

"Oh, its our break so we just decided to head to the Big Apple. Just to well I guess get a change in scenery."

To tell you the truth all I heard was a buzz. I was too busy freaking out on the inside because Louis Tomlinson was talking to me. Me, Hannah Walsh. I just couldnt belive it.

"Ok, so well thats enough of me. So, um, how long are you staying in America?" Louis said.

"Well, um, probably forever. Unless I end up going back to the UK for some reason. Eventually I will probably go somewhere in the US that is not New York. So ya."

We talked about everything to eachother for about a couple hours. Finally, the plane got too loud because of me and Louis laughing mixed with everyone elses voices so some people complained. We had to tone it down because the flight attendednt came over and told us to. It made Louis and I laugh even harder. It was hilarious. She got so ticked off and I bet that is what Louis was aiming for. I hope it was to impress me too. She left for about 3 seconds, in that time Louis said "I wanna get her ticked off, whats the worst she can do? Put us with the luggage?" I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. When she came back she came back with SECURITY!! He told us to quiet down or take a nap. I guess if we didnt he would put us with the luggage. So after they went away we laughed some more so they came back again. They threatened us to quiet down or get thrown off the plane. Louis HAD to reply to that.

"Well what the hell are you gonna have us do to get off the plane? Make us parachute? Make us walk the air-plank? Huh? Didnt think so."

They then escorted us down to the luggage area.

"We will come get you and unlock the cuffs when the plane lands." The security dude said, then he shut the door and left. Leaving us with a little candley lanterny thing.

"Ok so, I'm pretty tired right now. I am gonna hit the hay." I said.

"Me too. I am pretty cold, we dont have a blanket so we are going to freeze to death......unless we get closer. Unless you dont want to then thats fine with me." HE replied. Notice I didnt say that. HE did. He is totally into me. I know that cause it was really warm down there for a matter of fact. "Yeah, thats fine." I scootched closer, closer, and closer. We were so close. So close are lips were almost gonna touch.


Living With Louis #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now