Chapter 12

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A/N: Sorry if this chapter sucks. I have like no insparation but a few important things will happen. Also I am watching the Hobbit while writing this so I'm kinda distracted...... ITS A GOOD MOVIE DON'T JUDGE. Oh right Hannah. Stay focused. Phew. MY MOM JUST TOLD ME TO SHUT THE DOOR I AM FANGIRLING!!!! Shut the door, turn the light off, I want to be with you, HANNAH GET A GRIP! *Returns to toatally normal state* Sorry, Lets get back to the book shall weeeeeee?
Louis came out of the bedroom fully clothed. I looked at he was wearing and my mouth dropped open.
"No Louis No." I stated. He was wearing pretty much the same thing as me. Red jeans, Red VANS, Blue and White striped shirt. We were not goin out like that.
"Why not wear the same thing? We are a couple so we might as well show it." He said. He went over to the closet I hid in earlier and grabbed a beanie and sunglasses from it. He walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and grinned.
"Because- Ugh whatever. Lets go get food I am Starving." I said. As I was about to open the door the door opened.
I looked at Louis with my eyes wide. "ITS THE FORCE!" I yelled.
He chuckled, "No its Niall." He said nodding towards the door.
I saw Niall with his eyes wide, "Someone said food," he said. He had a grey shirt on with jeans. He also had a beanie and sunglasses.
I chuckled. "Yes Niall, We are going to the Diner across the street for breakfast. Would you like to join us? Oh and how did you open the door?" I asked.
"Yeah you can join us if you want and each of us have a key to the others rooms," Louis said from next to me. I gave him an evil smirk. Looks like I will be doing some more pranks in the future. Hehehehehehehe.
"FOOD!" Niall yelled while running towards the lift.
Louis and I chuckle. Louis gives me a kiss (A/N: I would say peck but I thinks that makes you sound like a bird.) on the top of my head. I intertwine my fingers with his as we head towards the lift.
*5 MINUTES LATER* (A/N: Read that in the narrorators voice from SpongeBob. You know when he says "FIVE HOURS LATER" Read it in that voice. It is more fun.)

Louis and I walked towards the Diner while Niall ran in. Strange Boy..... BUT ITS OK CAUSE IM STRANGE TO! We walked in and saw Niall in a booth by the back.
Louis slid into the seat with Niall and I sat down with my feet on the seet and my back facing the window.
A waitress came over. I am going to name her Voldemort. Voldy for short. "Hi, I'm Cindy. I will be your server today." Voldy said.
She had the buttons on her white shirt down so you could see a little nipple and her blue skirt bearly covered her butt. She also had died blonde hair, fake tan (WITH TAN LINES! IF YOUR GETTING A TAN MIGHT AS WELL DO IT RIGHT), red lipstick, blue eyeshadow, and way to much eyeliner....
She winked at Louis, glared at me, and left. I groweld at her in response. Poor Louis. He was toatally oblivious to the fact she was staring at him from across the restraunt....
As soon as she left I burst out laughing.
"Sweetie, why are you laughing?" Louis asked in a tone a voice you would use to talk to a baby. He was looking around no doubt looking for the yellow pages for a Mental Instatutin to put me in.
"Oh nothing." I was laughing at how she thought she had a chance at Lou. Oh poor girl. DONT GET YOUR HOPES UP BECAUSE HE IS MINE.
"Ok then." Niall said.
The girl came back over with another button on her shirt undone and her skirt higher than it was before if that was even possible.
"So what would you like to order?" She asked in a fake sweet voice. She looked at Louis.
"I would like a pepsi, pancakes, and bacon." Lou said. She scribbled something down on her notepad. She turned her head over to me.
"I would like the same." I said with a fake smile. She scribled something else down and turned to Niall.
"I would like 3 of what they are having but with some ginger ale." He said and I looked at him in aww.
"Niall, thats A LOT of food." I said while patting his hand that was on the table.
They both laughed.
"I eat a lot more than the average person though," Niall said.
I shrugged, " Ok then. Just don't get sick in Louis and I's room and I'M Cool with it." They just chuckled in response.
After about five minutes I got bored so I started kicking Louis and Nialls legs. They looked under the table, at me, under the table again, and down at me.
"I'm bored," I said as I shrugged.
They started kicking me back so we got into a big footsie war.........
Voldy came back and gave us our food. She gave Louis a napkin with her number on it. BUT LETS CELEBRATE BECAUSE HE GOT UP AND THREW IT AWAYYYYY!

Voldy came over, put the bill on the table, glared at me, winked at Louis, grabbed our empty plates and walked away. She just gets on my nerves...
I tried reaching for the bill but Louis beat me to it.
"Let me payyyyyyyyy," I whined but he only smirked.
"Noooooooo," He said copying my tone of voice.
"Fine, At least let me give the tip." I said in a stern voice.
"Ugh, Fine," He said and handed it over to me. I took out the pen and scribbled something down. I handed it back to a confused Louis and Niall and they looked at it. They both laughed.
"There are buttons on your shirt for a reason, use them" Louis said reading what I wrote.
"Hey, It said TIP. They never specified what kind. I just went with the one that worked better for Voldy." I said and Niall and Louis laughed in response.
"Who's Voldy," Niall asked. My eyes went wide.
"My pet Unicorn Ninja." I said the first thing I could think of.
Niall whispered something in Louis' ear.
"But she is MY crazy girl." Louis said extra loud while smiling. He reached over the table and planted a kiss on my lips. You can't even IMAGINE how much I wish (A/N: Oh how I wish, Oh how I wish, Oh How I wish that was me, ALRIGHT BACK TO THE STORY) Voldy saw that.....
I smiled. We stood up, walked outside, and as the boys were heading toward the hotel I went over to the windows of the Diner.
"Whatchya doin Hannah?" Louis asked coming over by my side with Niall following.
"Shh. Look." I said pointing at our table with the bill case still on it.
They did as said and stared at our table.
Voldy walked over and grabbed the bill case, opened it, huffed,and looked around until she spotted us through the window and went towards the door.
"RUN" I yelled and we ran towards the hotel. I looked back and she was chasing us.
We got into the loby and she finally gave up. We walked to the lift and got in. As soon as the doors were closed we were literaly on the floor laughing. We were still laughing on the floor when the doors opened. Outside stood 3 very shocked, scared, and confused band members of One Direction.

Living With Louis #Wattys2014Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt